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Utilization of poplar fibers in needle punched nonwovens

  • Usta, Canan
  • Seyhan, Aybeniz
  • Gürarslan, Alper
Publication Date
Sep 20, 2024
Ulusal Üniversitelerarası Açık Erişim Sistemi - İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
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The focus of this study is to conduct pioneering research on utilizing poplar seed hair fibers in needle punched nonwovens. These fibers were blended with hollow PET fibers at two different weight ratios to obtain needle punched webs for the first time. The weight, thickness, abrasion resistance, bursting and tensile properties, hydrophobic/oleophilic surface characteristics of the nonwovens are analyzed elaborately. Finally, it has been demonstrated that poplar fiber-containing nonwovens have superior rose oil absorption compared to solely PET nonwoven fabrics. When compared the maximum adsorption capacities, the incorporation of 37.3 wt.% and 21.7 wt.% poplar fiber into PET nonwoven increased the oil absorption by approximately 35 and 24 times, respectively. Although pristine PET nonwoven was able to remove only 16% of MB dye from aqueous dye solution, addition of poplar fiber enhanced the removal process and the solution had been decolorized to nearly colorless. The results indicated that poplar blended nonwoven fabrics treated with NaClO2 show the high-performance removal of MB dye from wastewater, with the increased percentage of 40% and 67% for PET-PO30 and PET-PO60 fabric, respectively. Therefore, developing industrial scale surfaces with non-traditional and sustainable poplar seed fibers, marks a significant advancement for the textile industry. / Open access funding provided by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK).

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