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從資源基礎觀點與使用經驗觀點探討知識社群持續使用之因素 / Understanding the Antecedents of Virtual Communities Continuance: An Integrated Model of Usage Experience and Resources-based Perspectives

  • wei-hsiang, chang
Publication Date
Jun 06, 2008
FirstTech Institutional Repository


[[abstract]]知識虛擬社群是由網路上擁有共同興趣與專業知識背景的成員所組成的知識交換平台,但是許多知識虛擬社群會因為使用者的大量流失而導致無法持續經營,所以維持社群成員持續使用知識社群就顯得相當重要,因此本研究想要瞭解影響社群成員持續使用的因素為何。本研究透過資源基礎觀點區分出社群所擁有的資源類型,瞭解使用者持續使用社群所依賴的資源為何,另外依據使用經驗的觀點,找出資源的效益對於使用者而言是否會因為時間(經驗)的增加而產生遞增或遞減的改變。本研究資料收集是以技術性專業知識社群的成員進行問卷發放,共收集235份有效問卷。研究結果發現,社群所依賴的資源可區分四種:關係資源、技術資源、互補性資源、人力資源,然而這些資源會依據使用者使用經驗的不同而產生差異,這結果可作為學術界與專業虛擬社群管理者作為參考之依據。 / [[abstract]]Virtual Communities are cyberspaces supported that enable entered upon communication and interaction of participants to generate member-driven knowledge of specific domain. However, many irtual communities have failed due to the reluctance of members to stay in these virtual communities. Therefore, understanding that the factors will affects members continued knowledge community usage intention is very importance. This study indicated the experience and resource-based view to develop the empirically test model for explaining usefulness with knowledge community resources at experience and unexperience stage. Data collected from 235 members of a technical virtual community provides support for the proposed model. The results indicate that the difference experience member was holding the difference community resources. The study discusses important findings that emerged from this longitudinal study and suggest directions for additional research.

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