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Tornando-me professora de ciências com alunos indíginas Kaiowá e Guarani

  • Perrelli, Maria Aparecida de Souza
Publication Date
Oct 28, 2007
Repositório Institucional UNESP
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One of the challenges faced by the indigenous school in the present time is the teacher’s education for teaching in a specific, differentiated, intercultural and bilingual school. Part of this problem concerns the importance to build teachers for these teachers This research aimed to understand how occurred my process of education for teaching natural sciences in the Projeto Ara Verá – education program for indigenous students kaiowa/guarani of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil. For in such away I decided to make a narrative of my proper experience in this context. This choose has anchors in the movement that adopts the biographical boarding as epistemologic perspective, because accepts that the teacher’s education also is given by experience and that this process must be investigated. This narrative was conceived as an open trip to the reflections and the different theorization each one enlisted opportunely, as the challenge were presented during the journey. To lead me in the reflections, I used as starting point the registers that I made from my performance in the Projeto Ara Vera and I transited among three confluent and interpenetrating movements: the re-cognition of myself, of Kaiowá/Guarani and our ways to know and to interpret the world. In this educative process, I was learning how to know us a historical citizens, with different world perspective, and with desire to become the natural science classes on intercultural context, within knowledge exchange and reciprocal influences.

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