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Thing-to-thing context-awareness at the edge

  • Harmassi, Mariem
Publication Date
Sep 03, 2019
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Internet of Things IoT (IoT) today comprises a plethora of different sensors and diverse connected objects, constantly collecting and sharing heterogeneous sensory data from their environment. This enables the emergence of new applications exploiting the collected data towards facilitating citizens lifestyle. These IoT applications are made context-aware thanks to data collected about user's context, to adapt their behavior autonomously without human intervention. In this Thesis, we propose a novel paradigm that concern Machine to Machine (M2M)/Thing To Thing (T2T) interactions to be aware of each other context named \T2T context-awareness at the edge", it brings conventional context-awareness from the application front end to the application back-end. More precisely, we propose to empower IoT devices with intelligence, allowing them to understand their environment and adapt their behaviors based on, and even act upon, the information captured by the neighboringdevices around, thus creating a collective intelligence. The first challenge we face in order to make IoT devices context-aware is (i) How can we extract such information without deploying any dedicated resources for this task? To do so we propose in our first work a context reasoner [1] based a cooperation among IoT devices located in the same surrounding. Such cooperation aims at mutually exchange data about each other context. To enable IoT devices to see, hear, and smell the physical world for themselves, we need firstly to make them connected to share their observations. For a mobile and energy- constrained device, the second challenge we face is (ii) How to discover as much neighbors as possible in its vicinity while preserving its energy resource? We propose Welcome [2] a Low latency and Energy efficient neighbor discovery scheme that is based on a single-delegate election method. Finally, a Publish-Subscribe that take into account the context at the edge of IoT devices, can greatly reduce the overhead and save the energy by avoiding unnecessary transmission of data that doesn't match application requirements. However, if not thought about properly building such T2T context-awareness could imply an overload of subscriptions to meet context-estimation needs. So our third contribution is (iii) How to make IoT devices context-aware while saving energy. To answer this, We propose an Energy efficient and context-aware Publish-Subscribe [3] that strike a balance between energy-consumption due to context estimation and energy-saving due to context-based filtering near to data sources.

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