Thermal characteristic of GaAs-based laser diodes
- Authors
- Qiao, Yanbin
- Feng, Shiwei
- Ma, Xiaoyu
- Wang, Xiaowei
- Guo, Chunsheng
- Deng, Haitao
- Zhang, Guangchen
- Qiao, Y.([email protected])
- Publication Date
- Jan 01, 2011
- Source
- Knowledge Repository of SEMI,CAS
- Keywords
- Degradation
- Diodes
- Electric Properties
- Gallium Arsenide
- Hybrid Materials
- Optical Properties
- Semiconducting Gallium
- Semiconductor Diodes
- Testing
- Thermodynamic Properties
- 半导体器件
- Degradation (Chemical)
- Deterioration
- Diodes
- Electrical Properties
- Gallium Arsenide
- Optical Properties
- Diodes, Semiconductor
- Testing
- Examinations
- Chemical Potential
- 化学降解
- Chemical Degradation
- Degradation
- Chemical Breakdown
- Corrosion
- Degradation, Chemical
- Deterioration (Francais)
- Zersetzung
- Decay
- 劣化
- Decomposition
- 分解
- 降解
- Decomposing
- Dioden
- Diodes (Francais)
- P-I-N Diodes
- Elektrische Eigenschaften
- Proprietes Electriques
- Electrical Props
- Bardeen Approximation
- Electrical Conductivity
- Superconductivity
- Electric Properties
- Negative Resistance
- Negative Resistance Effects
- Gaas
- Arseniures De Gallium
- Galliumarsenid
- Optical Constants
- Optische Eigen Schaften
- Proprietes Optiques
- Optical Props
- Crystal Diodes
- Diodes, Crystal
- Semiconductor Diodes
- Charge Storage Diodes
- Step-Recovery Diodes
- Step Recovery Diodes
- Mechanical Properties Testing
- Conformance Testing
- Compliance Testing
- Specification Conformance Testing
- Standard Conformance Testing
- Tests
- --Educational Tests
- --Testing, Educational
- Competitive Examinations
- Civil Service--Examinations
- Civil Service Examinations
- Epreuves
- Essais
- Test Methods
- Testing Equipment
- Versuche
- Pretests
- Laboratory Tests
- Educational Tests
- 化学势
- Free Energy
- Gibbs Free Energy
- Gibbs Function
- Helmholtz Free Energy
- Thermodynamic Potential
- Thermodynamic Properties
- Activity (Thermodynamics)
- Energy Libre
- Freie Energie
- Proprietes Thermodynamiques
- Thermodynamics
- Thermodynamische Eigenschaften
- Thermodynamic Props
- Thermal Properties
- Free Energy, Gibbs
- 热力学势
- 吉布斯自由能
- 亥姆霍兹自由能
- Heat Properties
- 化学位
- License
- Unknown
- External links
In order to analyze the thermal characteristic of GaAs-based laser diodes during degradation, aging tests were carried out under the conditions of the constant current stress for808 nm GaAs-based laser diodes. The temperature of active layer and the thermal resistance were investigated by using electrical method. It was found that the temperature of active layer raise with the increase of aging time, while thermal resistance had not changed during aging tests. At the same time, the electrical and optical properties were measured, which indicated that the main reason for degradation was the increase of nonradiative recombination in the active layer. The results show that the degradation of the laser diodes can be observed effectively through thermal property measuring by using electrical method. The experimental results establish the foundation of improving the thermal management technology and thermal properties of laser diodes.