Theoretical and practical guidelines for solvent dilution between the two dimensions in online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography.
- Authors
- Type
- Published Article
- Journal
- Journal of chromatography. A
- Publication Date
- Mar 15, 2024
- Volume
- 1718
- Pages
- 464725–464725
- Identifiers
- DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2024.464725
- PMID: 38364617
- Source
- Medline
- Keywords
- Language
- English
- License
- Unknown
Online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (online LC x LC) has become increasingly popular. Among the different chromatographic modes that can be combined, hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) and reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) are particularly interesting because they offer a high degree of orthogonality. However, this combination remains complex due to the incompatibility of the solvents in the two dimensions. To avoid this problem, it is possible to dilute the first dimension (1D) effluent with (zdilution -1) volumes of a weaker solvent added to one volume of 1D-effluent, where zdilution represents the extent to which the fraction volume has been multiplied. This can be done using either active solvent modulation technology or an additional pump, prior to the second dimension analysis. The objective of this study was to develop theoretical models to predict whether or not dilution can be effective, and, if so, what is the minimum zdilution value required. This approach is based on the calculation of the ratio (called xdilution) between the peak standard deviation due to the injection process and the peak standard deviation in the absence of extra-column dispersion. xdilution was calculated from theoretical relationships and plotted as a function of zdilution, to predict the value required to obtain good peak shapes for the compound of interest. The maximum xdilution value was found to be of the order of 1 for chromatographically acceptable peak shapes. The proposed theoretical approach was experimentally validated on a number of representative small molecules and peptides. Agreement between experimental results and theoretical models was very high, especially for small molecules. Finally, it is shown that this approach helps to predict the most appropriate set of conditions in HILIC x RPLC, depending on the compounds to be separated. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.