Streamlining Certification Management with Automation and Certification Retrieval : System development using ABP Framework, Angular, and MongoDB / Effektivisering av certifikathantering med automatisering och certifikathämtning : Systemutveckling med ABP Framework, Angular och MongoDB
- Authors
- Hassan, Nour Al Dine
- Publication Date
- Jan 01, 2024
- Source
- DiVA - Academic Archive On-line
- Keywords
- Certification Management
- Automation
- Certification Retrieval
- Abp Framework
- Angular
- Mongodb
- Credly Api
- Exam Information
- Exam Vouchers
- Authentication
- Role-Based Access Control
- Data Retrieval
- Audit
- Security
- Privacy
- Efficiency
- Accuracy
- Scalability
- Maintainability
- Domain-Driven Design
- Software Development
- User Interface
- Data Encryption
- Https
- Input Validation
- Identity Management
- Audit Logging
- Cybersecurity
- Education
- Training
- Employee Certification
- Study Progress
- Centralized Platform
- Data Integration
- Consolidated View
- Graphs
- Bar Charts
- Manual Data Entry
- Information Silos
- Decision Making
- Compliance
- Industry Standards
- Partner Levels
- Financial Penalties
- Reputation Damage
- Business Opportunities
- Nosql Database
- Unstructured Data
- Semi-Structured Data
- Software Architecture
- Layered Architecture
- Presentation Layer
- Application Layer
- Domain Layer
- Entities
- Value Objects
- Aggregates
- Repositories
- Domain Services
- Data Transfer Objects (Dtos)
- Business Logic
- Domain Semantics
- Modern Web Applications
- User Authentication
- Authorization
- Audit Logging
- Dynamic Web Applications
- Component-Based
- Typescript
- Type Safety
- Code Quality
- Maintainability
- Active Community
- Charts
- Graphs
- Secure Submission
- Leptonx Lite
- Responsive Design
- Navigation Sidebar
- Menu Bar
- Tabs
- Table
- Attributes
- Properties
- Buttons
- Modal Dialogs
- Profile Settings
- System Admin Panel
- Account Management
- Permissions
- System Settings
- Certifikathantering
- Automatisering
- Certifikathämtning
- Abp Framework
- Angular
- Mongodb
- Credly Api
- Examinformation
- Examenvouchers
- Autentisering
- Rollbaserad åtkomstkontroll
- Datahämtning
- Granskning
- Säkerhet
- Integritet
- Effektivitet
- Noggrannhet
- Skalbarhet
- Underhållbarhet
- Domändriven Design
- Programvaruutveckling
- Användargränssnitt
- Datakryptering
- Https
- Indata Validering
- Identitetshantering
- Granskningsloggning
- Cybersäkerhet
- Utbildning
- Träning
- Medarbetarcertifiering
- Studie Framsteg
- Centraliserad Plattform
- Dataintegration
- Konsoliderad Vy
- Grafer
- Stapeldiagram
- Manuell Datainmatning
- Informationssilos
- Beslutsfattande
- Efterlevnad
- Branschstandarder
- Partnernivåer
- Ekonomiska Påföljder
- Ryktesskada
- Affärsmöjligheter
- Nosql-Databas
- Ostrukturerad Data
- Semistrukturerad Data
- Programvaruarkitektur
- Skiktad Arkitektur
- Presentationslager
- Applikationslager
- Domänlager
- Entiteter
- Värdeobjekt
- Aggregat
- Repositories
- Domäntjänster
- Dataöverföringsobjekt (Dto)
- Affärslogik
- Domänsemantik
- Moderna Webbapplikationer
- Användarautentisering
- Auktorisering
- Granskningsloggning
- Dynamiska Webbapplikationer
- Komponentbaserad
- Typescript
- Typsäkerhet
- Kodkvalitet
- Underhållbarhet
- Aktiv Gemenskap
- Diagram
- Grafer
- Säker Inlämning
- Leptonx Lite
- Responsiv Design
- Navigering Sidofält
- Menyrad
- Flikar
- Tabell
- Attribut
- Egenskaper
- Knappar
- Modala Dialogrutor
- Profilinställningar
- Systemadministratörspanel
- Kontohantering
- Behörigheter
- Systeminställningar
- Software Engineering
- Programvaruteknik
- Language
- English
- License
- Green
- External links
This thesis examines the certification management challenge faced by Integrity360. The decentralized approach, characterized by manual processes and disparate data sources, leads to inefficient tracking of certification status and study progress. The main objective of this project was to construct a system that automates data retrieval, ensures a complete audit, and increases security and privacy. Leveraging the ASP.NET Boilerplate (ABP) framework, Angular, and MongoDB, an efficient and scalable system was designed, developed, and built based on DDD (domain-driven design) principles for a modular and maintainable architecture. The implemented system automates data retrieval from the Credly API, tracks exam information, manages exam vouchers, and implements a credible authentication system with role-based access control. With the time limitations behind the full-scale implementation of all the planned features, such as a dashboard with aggregated charts and automatic report generation, the platform significantly increases the efficiency and precision of employee certification management. Future work will include these advanced functionalities and integrations with external platforms to improve the system and increase its impact on operations in Integrity360.