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Spatial Robotic Experiences as a Ground for Future HRI Speculations

  • Murray-Rust, Dave
  • Lupetti, Maria Luce
  • Ianniello, Alessandro
  • Gorbet, Matt
  • Van Der Helm, Aadjan
  • Filthaut, Liliane
  • Chiu, Adrian
  • Beesley, Philip
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2024
PORTO Publications Open Repository TOrino
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This work illustrates how artistic robotic systems can provide a reservoir of unfamiliarity and a basis for speculation, to open the field toward new ways of thinking about HRI. We reflect on a collaborative project between design students, a media art studio, and design researchers working with the baggage handling department of the Schiphol airport. Engaging with the industrial context, we developed ‘meta-behaviours’ - abstracted ideas of processes carried out on the worksite–and passed these over to the students who translated them into robotic enactions using a predefined hardware developed by the media art studio. The resulting visit experience challenges the audience to decode the installation in terms of meta-behaviours and their possible relations to industrial HRI. We used this to reflect on the value of conducting artistic and speculative work in HRI and to distill actionable recommendations for future research.

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