社會影響與社群網絡特性對於使用者任務價值及持續使用意圖之影響-以Facebook台灣使用者為例 / The Social Influence and Social Network Characteristics Impact Users’ Perceived Task Value and Continuous Usage Intention ─An Example of Facebook Users in Taiwan
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- FirstTech Institutional Repository
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[[abstract]]本研究主要目的在於探討Facebook使用者持續使用之行為,主要以任務價值(Task Value)為核心,用以分析Facebook使用者「持續使用」之意向,並探討使用者認知的任務價值對於使用者態度、滿意度之影響,並進一步的瞭解對於使用者滿意度和持續使用意向之影響情形。另外,本研究整理過去影響使用者信念之相關文獻,歸納出「社會影響」及Facebook的「社群網絡特性」作為影響任務價值之外衍變項(Exogenous Variable),提出一套能夠適用Facebook情境之理論模式。 本研究以臺灣地區的Facebook使用者為研究對象,選擇使用期間超過3個月以上並且目前仍持續經營之Facebook使用者為主,經由三階段的問卷篩選,一共回收691份有效問卷,使用LISREL軟體進行結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析資料之結果,多數均傾向於支持本研究所提出之假說, 本研究有以下發現:(1)「社會影響」對「Facebook「社群網絡特性」有正向顯著之影響;(2)Facebook「社群網絡特性」對「任務價值」有正向顯著之影響;(3)使用者認知的「任務價值」對「Facebook使用者態度」、「Facebook使用者滿意度」與「Facebook持續使用意向」有正向顯著的影響;(4)「Facebook使用者態度」對「Facebook使用者滿意度」與「Facebook持續使用意向」有正向顯著之影響。(5)「Facebook使用者滿意度」對於「Facebook持續使用意向」有不顯著之影響。 / [[abstract]]The purpose of this study focuses on investigating Facebook user’s continue intention. The Model adopted “Task Value” construct to determine crucial factors which could affect people to continue using Facebook. This research tests the relationships among constructs, such as “Perceived Task Value”, “Facebook User Attitude”, “Facebook User Satisfaction” and “Facebook Continue Intention”. And further, to review the literature, the study founded that “Social Influence” and “Social Network Characteristics” are exogenous variable of Task Value. Base on literature, this study proposed a theoretical framework and validated the model on Facebook context. This study surveyed 691 of Facebook users in Taiwan. These Facebook users have been used Facebook more than three months, and they have been continuing to use Facebook. The research applied Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)with LISREL software to analyze dataset, and the analysis suggests that most hypotheses are supported. These results: (1) “Social Influence” will positively affect Facebook “Social Network Characteristics”, (2) Facebook “Social Network Characteristics” will positively affect “Task Value”, (3) User’s perceptive “Task Value” will positively affect “Facebook User’s Attitude”, “Facebook User’s Satisfaction” and “User’s Continue Intention”, (4) “Facebook User’s Attitude” will positively affect “Facebook User’s Satisfaction” and “User Continue’s Intention”, and (5) “Facebook User’s Satisfaction” won't affect the “User's Continue Intention” positively.