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Semi-Automated Refactoring of BPMN Processes

  • Nivon, Quentin
  • Salaün, Gwen
Publication Date
Jul 03, 2024
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Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) isnowadays widely used by companies to represent their busi-ness processes. Such processes are usually designed andwritten by non-expert users for whom the main matter isto conceive a process corresponding to the needs of thecompanies. As the quality of the process is not the main designcriterion, it can generally be optimised in several ways. Forinstance, reducing the financial cost of the process, its resourceusage, or its execution time are classical optimisation axes.In this work, the considered BPMN processes are enrichedwith time and resources, and are executed multiple times.The proposed optimisation approach consists in reducing theexecution time of these processes. To do so, the methodpresented in this paper consists in restructuring the processesby changing the position of their tasks. The goal of thisrestructuring is to limit the overuse of the resources andconsequently reduce the execution time of the processes. Toavoid generating unsuitable processes, the designer is involvedin the restructuring phase, as (s)he validates each restructuringstep. The proposed technique is fully automated by a toolthat was implemented and applied on several examples forvalidation purposes.

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