”Det handlar om självkänsla” : En studie om läsecirklars biblioterapeutiska funktion / ”It´s about self esteem” : A study investigating the bibliotherapeutic role in reading groups
- Authors
- Publication Date
- Jan 01, 2012
- Source
- DiVA - Academic Archive On-line
- Keywords
- Language
- Swedish
- License
- Green
- External links
The purpose of this thesis was to examine reading groups inpublic libraries from a bibliotherapeutic perspective. Inorder to reach this purpose following questions needed to beanswered: What does the discussion in reading groups looklike? What does the reading groups fulfill for theirparticipants? What is the circle leaders’ role? The study isbased on the observations of three reading groups and offive interviews of its participants. With the help of CarolineShrodes theory the study shows that there are few signs ofbibliotherapy in the reading groups. But on the other handthey show similarities with other bibliotherapeutic readinggroups, by being a social venue for its participants. They canalso contribute to the participants wellbeing and their self-esteem and self-understanding. The results also show thatthe circle leaders role can be important for the discussion inthe reading group. The reading groups are in many waysimportant to their participants and the results in this thesisshows that bibliotherapy could play an important role in thepublic libraries of Sweden. / Program: Bibliotekarie