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Racismo antinegro no português brasileiro e uma proposta de avaliação para professores de PLE

  • Silva, Daniel Lucas Alves da
Publication Date
Mar 06, 2018
Repositório Institucional UNESP
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In the context of increasing interest in Portuguese as a foreign language (henceforth PFL) this project contributes to the understanding of teachers of PFL regarding the racial dynamics that manifest themselves in Brazilian Portuguese, in particular anti-black racism. We argue that considerations about race should form part of the elaboration of an assessment instrument designed for teachers of PFL, the EPPLE-PLE (a proficiency exam for teachers of foreign languages in its Portuguese acronym). In doing so, as an expected result, teaching can inculcate more awareness, both on the part of teachers and learners of PFL, regarding this cultural dimension that forms part of the history of Brazilian Portuguese. To this end, we make use of critical race theory applied to the education of teachers of a foreign language as presented by Ferreira (2015) and the idea of racial literacy according to Skerret (2011), the concept of washback by design by Messick (1989) and the theory of sociocultural perspective by Vigostki (1987), for the selection of items for the aforementioned exam. This is a legitimation process of the proposition of items and their elaboration for an exam that we deem can be a beneficial intervention in the practice of PFL teachers.

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