Numerical Reconstruction of Landslide Paleotsunami using Geological Records in Alpine Lake Aiguebelette
- Authors
- Dutykh, Denys
- Sabatier, Pierre
- Banjan, Mathilde
- Kim, Jihwan
- Publication Date
- May 27, 2024
- Identifiers
- DOI: 10.1029/2023JB028629
- OAI: oai:HAL:hal-04592536v1
- Source
- Hal-Diderot
- Keywords
- Paleotsunami
- Paleotsunami Deposits
- Paleotsunamis
- Lacustrine
- Lacustrine Deposit
- Lacustrine Deltas
- Lacustrine Carbonate
- Lacustrine Clay Sediment
- Lacustrine Paleoseismology
- Lake Sediment
- Lake Sediment Core
- Subaqueous Delta
- Subaqueous Landslide
- Submarine Landslide
- Submarine Landslides
- Sedimentology
- Alpine Lake
- Lake Aiguebelette
- Tsunami
- Landslide Tsunamis
- Historical Tsunamis
- Dispersive Model
- Shallow Water Equations
- Boussinesq Equations
- Boussinesq Approach
- Dispersive Waves
- Importance Of Dispersive Wave
- Landslide Hazard
- Inundation Model
- Inundation Modelling
- Lake Shore
- Lake Level
- Paleo Climatic Constrains
- Geological Record
- Sediment Record
- Pde Modeling
- Uncovered A 11
- 700‐Year‐Old Subaqueous Landslide‐Induced Paleotsunami In Lake Aiguebelette (Nw Alps
- France)
- Numerical Model Is Constrained To Reproduce The Available Geological Data
- Found Dispersion Effects To Be Of Minimal Importance In The Modeling Of This Historical Tsunami Even
- Numerical Model
- Hyperbolic Pde
- Froude Number
- Froude Number Analysis
- Froude Number Landslide
- Massmovement Tsunamis
- Mass Movement
- Mass Movement Delta
- Validation & Simulation
- Validation Geological Records
- Tsunami Wave Directivity
- Dispersion Analysis
- Tsunami Hazard On Lake Aiguebelette
- French Alps
- Swiss Alps
- Lac D'Aiguebelette
- Paléotsunami
- Dépôts De Paléotsunami
- Paléotsunamis
- Lacustre
- Dépôt Lacustre
- Deltas Lacustres
- Carbonate Lacustre
- Delta Subaquatique
- Glissement De Terrain Subaquatique
- Sédimentologie
- Lac Alpin
- Tsunamis Dus à Des Glissements De Terrain
- Équations De Boussinesq
- Découverte D'Un Paléotsunami Induit Par Un Glissement De Terrain Subaquatique Vieux De 11 700 Ans Da
- Modèle Numérique Contraint à Reproduire Les Données Géologiques Disponibles
- Les Effets De Dispersion Ont été Trouvés De Faible Importance Dans La Modélisation De Cet événement
- ModÈle NumÉrique
- Mouvement De Masse Delta
- Mouvement De Masse
- [Info.Info-Na]Computer Science [Cs]/Numerical Analysis [Cs.Na]
- [Math.Math-Ap]Mathematics [Math]/Analysis Of Pdes [Math.Ap]
- [Math.Math-Na]Mathematics [Math]/Numerical Analysis [Math.Na]
- [Phys.Phys.Phys-Geo-Ph]Physics [Physics]/Physics [Physics]/Geophysics [Physics.Geo-Ph]
- [Sdu.Ocean]Sciences Of The Universe [Physics]/Ocean, Atmosphere
- [Sdu.Stu.Ag]Sciences Of The Universe [Physics]/Earth Sciences/Applied Geology
- [Sdu.Stu.Hy]Sciences Of The Universe [Physics]/Earth Sciences/Hydrology
- [Sdu.Stu.Oc]Sciences Of The Universe [Physics]/Earth Sciences/Oceanography
- Language
- English
- License
- Unknown
- External links
Mass movements and delta collapses are significant sources of tsunamis in lacustrine environments, impacting human societies enormously. Paleotsunamis studies play an essential role in understanding historical events and their consequences, along with their return periods. This study investigates a paleotsunami induced by a subaqueous mass movement during the Younger Dryas to Early Holocene transition, ca. 11,700 years ago in Lake Aiguebelette (NW Alps, France). Utilizing high-resolution seismic and bathymetric surveys associated with sedimentological, geochemical, and magnetic analyses, we uncovered a paleotsunami triggered by a seismically induced mass transport deposit. Numerical simulations of mass movement have been conducted using a visco-plastic Herschel-Bulkley rheological model and corresponding tsunami wave modeled with dispersive and nondispersive models. Our findings reveal for the first time that dispersive effects may be negligible for subaqueous landslides in a relatively small lake. This research reconstructs a previously unreported paleotsunami event and enhances our understanding of tsunami dynamics in lacustrine environments.