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Mongoliets Demokratisering : En kvalitativ studie om vilka nationella faktorer som påverkade den Mongoliska demokratiseringsprocessen / Mongolias Demokratization : Nationall factors in Mongolia

  • Vallin, Anders
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2018
DiVA - Academic Archive On-line
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This thesis analyses the democratization process of Mongolia by applying a qualitative, theory consuming and theory developing case study. The study analyses if three national factors: governance, values and civil society can be claimed to be driving forces behind the Mongolian democratization process. The finds are positive in that all three factors are found to have played some part in the forenamed process. Though all factors are claimed to be visible in this study they are not equally so as governance as a factor has been given a much larger role in previous studies of the Mongolia democratization process. The study also tries to discover new factors for democratization, previously not defined as such. One find is claimed in redefining of history and through this an emergence of a new national identity. This redefining of history was caused by the oppositions tries to gain legitimacy but also might be a driving force behind the democratic process. The study also argues that one plausible truth for the emergence of more democratic values and the rise of civil society might lie in the method that the opposition managed to redefine the country’s history and in so doing created a new Mongolian identity. 

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