Measurement of wurtzite ZnO/rutile TiO(2) heterojunction band offsets by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
- Authors
- Wang, J
- Liu, XL
- Yang, AL
- Zheng, GL
- Yang, SY
- Wei, HY
- Zhu, QS
- Wang, ZG
- Publication Date
- Jan 01, 2011
- Source
- Knowledge Repository of SEMI,CAS
- Keywords
- Sensitized Solar-Cells
- Photocatalyzed Transformation
- Chloroaromatic Derivatives
- Zinc-Oxide
- Films
- Powder
- Phenol
- 半导体材料
- Zinc Oxide
- Photography--Films
- Finite Volume Method
- Powders
- Phenol
- 锌白
- Chinese White
- Zinc White
- Oxyde De Zinc
- Zinkoxid
- Photographic Film
- Films
- Motion Pictures
- Movies
- Cinema
- Feature Films--History And Criticism
- Moving-Pictures
- Microfilms
- Filmstrips
- Film Slides
- Film Strips
- Slidefilms
- Anodised Layers
- Anodized Layers
- Claddings
- Cvd Coatings
- Chemical Vapor Deposited Coatings
- Chemical Vapour Deposited Coatings
- Cvd Thin Films
- Decorative Coatings
- Electrophoretic Coatings
- Fission Reactor Fuel Claddings
- Foils
- Mocvd Coatings
- Optical Fibre Cladding
- Optical Fiber Cladding
- Protective Coatings, Optical Fibre
- Plasma Arc Sprayed Coatings
- Plasma Sprayed Coatings
- Plasma Cvd Coatings
- Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposited Coatings
- Plasma Deposited Coatings
- Polymer Films
- Polymer Coatings
- Vacuum Deposited Coatings
- Vacuum Deposited Thin Films
- Vapour Deposited Coatings
- Vapor Deposited Coatings
- Vapor Deposited Thin Films
- Vapour Deposited Thin Films
- Elektrophoretische Ueberzuege
- Revetements Electrophoretiques
- Plasmalichtbogen-Spruehueberzuege
- Revetements Par Projection Au Plasma
- Motion Pictures (Entertainment)
- 有限体积法
- Art Films
- Cinefilms
- Moving Image Materials
- 粉末
- Powder
- Poudres
- Pulver
- 酚
- Benzophenol
- Carbolic Acid
- Hydroxybenzene
- Phenic Acid
- Phenyl Hydroxide
- Phenylic Acid
- Phenol (Deutsch)
- Phenol (Francais)
- License
- Unknown
- External links
The valence-band offset of the wurtzite ZnO/rutile TiO(2) heterojunction was directly determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The wurtzite ZnO (0001) layer was grown on commercial rutile (101) TiO(2) by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition. The results show that the valence-band offset is 0.14 +/- 0.05 eV, which agrees well with previous results by other methods. Therefore, the conduction-band offset is deduced from their known band-gap energy values to be 0.45 +/- 0.05 eV, which indicates a type-II band alignment for the ZnO/TiO(2) heterojunction.