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Konstruktion av klippverktyg för blindslingeledare : Effektivisering av monteringsprocessen för lindningar itransformatorer med blindslingeledare / Design of a cutting tool for shield wires

  • Bendelin, Oliwer
  • Gunnberg-Querat, Theodor
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2022
DiVA - Academic Archive On-line
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Hitachi Energy Power transformers in Ludvika wants to investigate the possibilities of developing a cutting tool to streamline one of the many processes for fabrication of windings in transformers. This thesis work at Uppsala University, which has been going on for ten weeks, has thus investigated the possibilities for a cutting tool by studying the basic necessary theories and user requirements that have consequently resulted in the generation of a proposed solution. User requirements were formulated through collection of data in the form of interviews, a questionnaire,and a literature study. Based on the collected user requirements, concepts have been generated for cutting mechanisms, followed by a concept screening for the reason of presenting a concept selection. The remaining problem statements were answered through thematic analysis of all collected information and balancing of developed user requirements. The design of a proposed solution has been done in 3D CAD with a focus on a solution-independent design This study showed that an electric battery-powered and hand-held tool with a focus on user-friendliness is advantageous for the intended application. Theoretically, the tool will improve user safety and time-consuming manual work will be minimized while reducing the risk of accidents. A theoretically functional proposed solution with a basis for all design choices has been presented to act as a basis for continued work. This study has been the first of its kind for this specific area and has thus left much room for further development, but at the same time provided a collection of information that contributes to the possible realization of a cutting tool.

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