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Kinetic studies on the pyrolysis of plastic waste using a combination of model-fitting and model-free methods

  • Yao, Zhitong
  • Yu, Shaoqi
  • Su, Weiping
  • Wu, Weihong
  • Tang, Junhong
  • Qi, Wei
Publication Date
Jan 20, 2020
GuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion
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In this work, the pyrolysis behavior of plastic waste-TV plastic shell-was investigated, based on thermogravimetric analysis and using a combination of model-fitting and model-free methods. The possible reaction mechanism and kinetic compensation effects were also examined. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that the decomposition of plastic waste in a helium atmosphere can be divided into three stages: the minor loss stage (20-300 degrees C), the major loss stage (300-500 degrees C) and the stable loss stage (500-1000 degrees C). The corresponding weight loss at three different heating rates of 15, 25 and 35 K/min were determined to be 2.80-3.02%, 94.45-95.11% and 0.04-0.16%, respectively. The activation energy (E-a) and correlation coefficient (R-2) profiles revealed that the kinetic parameters calculated using the Friedman and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose method displayed a similar trend. The values from the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Starink methods were comparable, although the former gave higher R-2 values. The E-alpha values gradually decreased from 269.75 kJ/mol to 184.18 kJ/mol as the degree of conversion (alpha) increased from 0.1 to 0.8. Beyond this range, the E-alpha slightly increased to 211.31 kJ/mol. The model-fitting method of Coats-Redfern was used to predict the possible reaction mechanism, for which the first-order model resulted in higher R-2 values than and comparable E-alpha values to those obtained from the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method. The pre-exponential factors (lnA) were calculated based on the F1 reaction model and the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method, and fell in the range 59.34-48.05. The study of the kinetic compensation effect confirmed that a compensation effect existed between E-a and lnA during the plastic waste pyrolysis.

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