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Improving memory-based collaborative filtering via similarity updating and prediction modulation

  • Jeong, B
  • Lee, J
  • Cho, H
Publication Date
Mar 01, 2010
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Memory-based collaborative filtering (CF) makes recommendations based on a collection of user preferences for items. The idea underlying this approach is that the interests of an active user will more likely coincide with those of users who share similar preferences to the active user. Hence, the choice and computation of a similarity measure between users is critical to rating items. This work proposes a similarity update method that uses an iterative message passing procedure. Additionally, this work deals with a drawback of using the popular mean absolute error (MAE) for performance evaluation, namely that ignores ratings distribution. A novel modulation method and an accuracy metric are presented in order to minimize the predictive accuracy error and to evenly distribute predicted ratings over true rating scales. Preliminary results show that the proposed similarity update and prediction modulation techniques significantly improve the predicted rankings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. / X / 1 / 1 / 37 / 42 / scie / scopus

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