Ideologia w edukacji. Spojrzenie opisowe, negatywne i pozytywne na przykładzie wybranych stanowisk pedagogiki katolickiej i krytycznej / Ideology in Education: The Descriptive, Negative, and Positive Approach on the Example of Selected Views in Catholic and Critical Pedagogy / Ideology in Education: The Descriptive, Negative, and Positive Approach on the Example of Selected Views in Catholic and Critical Pedagogy / Ideology in Education: The Descriptive, Negative, and Positive Approach on the Example of Selected Views in Catholic and Critical Pedagogy / Ideology in Education: The Descriptive, Negative, and Positive Approach on the Example of Selected Views in Catholic and Critical Pedagogy / Ideology in Education: The Descriptive, Negative, and Positive Approach on the Example of Selected Views in Catholic and Critical Pedagogy
- Authors
- Publication Date
- Jun 23, 2023
- Source
- Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego (University of Lodz Repository)
- Keywords
- Language
- Polish
- License
- Green
- External links
The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstrate the shortcomings of the dogmatically Catholic rendering of the notion of ideology in education; this very rendering is said to have infested education and therefore it is valued strictly negatively and remains in opposition to philosophically grounded scholarship, including the more progressive Catholic interpretations of this concept. It is argued that in order to think of ideology in a modern and critical way, one cannot cling only to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church and has to take into consideration not only the negative meaning of the term, but also its descriptive and pedagogically positive significance, much in the way it is done in the discourse of critical pedagogy. / The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstrate the shortcomings of the dogmatically Catholic rendering of the notion of ideology in education; this very rendering is said to have infested education and therefore it is valued strictly negatively and remains in opposition to philosophically grounded scholarship, including the more progressive Catholic interpretations of this concept. It is argued that in order to think of ideology in a modern and critical way, one cannot cling only to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church and has to take into consideration not only the negative meaning of the term, but also its descriptive and pedagogically positive significance, much in the way it is done in the discourse of critical pedagogy. / The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstrate the shortcomings of the dogmatically Catholic rendering of the notion of ideology in education; this very rendering is said to have infested education and therefore it is valued strictly negatively and remains in opposition to philosophically grounded scholarship, including the more progressive Catholic interpretations of this concept. It is argued that in order to think of ideology in a modern and critical way, one cannot cling only to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church and has to take into consideration not only the negative meaning of the term, but also its descriptive and pedagogically positive significance, much in the way it is done in the discourse of critical pedagogy. / The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstrate the shortcomings of the dogmatically Catholic rendering of the notion of ideology in education; this very rendering is said to have infested education and therefore it is valued strictly negatively and remains in opposition to philosophically grounded scholarship, including the more progressive Catholic interpretations of this concept. It is argued that in order to think of ideology in a modern and critical way, one cannot cling only to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church and has to take into consideration not only the negative meaning of the term, but also its descriptive and pedagogically positive significance, much in the way it is done in the discourse of critical pedagogy. / W artykule dokonuje się porównania interpretacji pojęcia ideologii w badaniach edukacyjnych uprawianych przez niektórych uczonych katolickich z jego problematyzacją na gruncie świeckich, niekościelnych — zarówno krajowych, jak i zagranicznych — studiów edukacyjnych. Pojęciem centralnym jest tu ideologia, która według wybranych do polemiki badaczy katolickich w różnych postaciach infekuje nauki o wychowaniu; standardowo kojarzona jest przy tym z zafałszowaniem rzeczywistości, myśleniem utopijnym oraz indoktrynacją edukacyjną. Artykuł demonstruje niedostatki dogmatyczno-katolickiego ujęcia ideologii i pokazuje jego niezgodność z filozoficznie ugruntowanymi ujęciami zarówno ze strony pedagogów świeckich, jak i ze strony bardziej progresywnych badaczy katolickich. Autor argumentuje, że aby myśleć o ideologii edukacyjnej w prawdziwie nowoczesny i krytyczny sposób, nie można trzymać się dogmatycznych nauk Kościoła, lecz należy wziąć pod uwagę także opisowe oraz pozytywne — istotne dla pedagogiki — znaczenie tej kategorii, tak jak ma to miejsce w dyskursie pedagogiki krytycznej. / The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstrate the shortcomings of the dogmatically Catholic rendering of the notion of ideology in education; this very rendering is said to have infested education and therefore it is valued strictly negatively and remains in opposition to philosophically grounded scholarship, including the more progressive Catholic interpretations of this concept. It is argued that in order to think of ideology in a modern and critical way, one cannot cling only to the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church and has to take into consideration not only the negative meaning of the term, but also its descriptive and pedagogically positive significance, much in the way it is done in the discourse of critical pedagogy.