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Identification of local to global mechanical properties of clear wood peeled veneers from off axis tensile tests using full-field local displacement measurements

  • DEMOULIN, Leyne
  • POT, Guillaume
  • DENAUD, Louis
  • GIRARDON, Stéphane
  • MARCON, Bertrand
Publication Date
Jul 05, 2024
SAM : Science Arts et Métiers


This study examines the influence of fiber orientation variability on the mechanical properties of wood, focusing on veneer clear wood specimens. The research is motivated by the need to develop high performance composite materials for sustainable transportation applications, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The experimental protocol involves manufacturing veneers from beech wood, followed by producing the manufacturing of veneers from beech wood, followed by the production of small specimens with deliberate variations in fiber orientation. Non-destructive measurements of local fiber orientations and global density are conducted, along with tensile tests to determine local mechanical properties, i.e., Young's modulus, strength, and the shear modulus Advanced imaging techniques (DIC) and models for isotropic materials are employed for analysis.The resultsreveal that fiber orientation has a significant role in wood variability, with pronounced effects on Young's modulus and strength at low angles. Transversal and shear modulus appear lower than in the literature due to the cracks due to the manufacturing of veneer (peeling process). / ANR-15-IDEX-003

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