影響運動彩券網路系統採用相關因素之探討 / Exploring Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Sports Lottery
- Authors
- Publication Date
- Jun 17, 2008
- Source
- FirstTech Institutional Repository
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- License
- Unknown
[[abstract]]隨著全球運動風氣的提升,開放合法運動彩券銷售的國家亦日趨增多。根據各發行機關統計,截至2000年全球運動彩券市場規模僅50億美元,但2006年已成長至151 4億美元。整體而言,全球運動彩券市場平均年度複合成長率達13%,高於全體彩券市場平均年度複合成長率9%的水準。 國外運動彩券的發展早已行之有年,而台灣的運動彩券亦在國外運彩問世70多年後於日前初試啼聲,而網路、電話等虛擬通路的投注預計將在今年中正式上路。運動彩券線上投注不容分秒差池,需要有縝密而完善的網路規劃和備援方案以確保網路系統的穩定性。 有別於彩券消費者以往慣有的實體通路投注經驗,未來運動彩券虛擬通路正式啟動,潛在的運彩客群在由實體通路轉換為虛擬通路的投注過程中是否會受到其它因素的影響,本研究擬針對此一新型態的投注方式,在系統上市之前,透過整合型科技接受模式 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology UTAUT)為研究基礎架構,加入「知覺風險」構面,據以研究彩券消費者對於線上投注系統的採用意願。 研究結果發現,「努力期望」並不如預期的會影響投注者對於線上投注系統的採用態度;而在其它產業影響並不顯著的「便利條件」,卻對投注者在此系統的採用態度及意願上有顯著的影響。而「知覺風險」、「績效期望」和「社會影響」等三構面也會影響投注者的採用態度。本研究亦針對「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」和「網路的使用經驗」等干擾變數進行分析;其中「網路的使用經驗」對於「績效期望」有干擾作用,「年齡」會影響「努力期望」、「社會影響」和「便利條件」,但「性別」和「教育程度」卻無顯著的干擾效果。本研究針對問卷統計分析結果,據此提出研究結論與建議,以作為彩券主管機關未來推動線上投注系統之參考。 / [[abstract]]With the growth of the global online betting to understand online bettor behavior is critical to researchers and practitioners Taiwan’s first online betting system will inaugurate in the near future a large number of factors will influence the adoption of new technology Some consumers will put up barriers against the acceptance of new technology but others may perceive an innovation as the solution to a problem and adopt it immediately In order to have a better understanding of the potential online betting market this article will address consumer perspectives of online sports lottery For investigating the likelihood of acceptance or new technology we propose a theoretical model that augments the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with a new construct perceived risk This study tries to explore the core determinants of consumer adoptive attitude and intention The results argue that the perception of risk has much to do with adoptive attitude Several studies have suggested that facilitating conditions do not have significant influence on behavioral attitude; however this study indicates the positive effect is obvious This study discusses constructs affecting consumer adoption behavior explores managerial implication and also identifies future research direction