高科技企業之知識創造的實證研究-以組織文化為干擾變項 / An Empirical Study on Knowledge Creation of High-Tech Firms ─With the Moderate Variable of Organizational Culture
- Authors
- Publication Date
- Jun 01, 2005
- Source
- FirstTech Institutional Repository
- Keywords
- License
- Unknown
[[abstract]]科技與生活密不可分的今日,科技的核心技術即主宰了高科技公司的競爭能力。目前科技的核心關鍵能力皆掌握在日本與歐美等國,使得台灣的科技發展有所受限,是台灣的科技發展何處有了缺陷而無法與日本與歐美競爭並駕齊驅甚為超越。「競爭力最高的藝術並不是在摧毀競爭者,而是有股力量可使競爭者必須依附於被競爭者,以獲取更多的競爭綜效」。 因此,高科技的核心技能可等同於競爭的優勢力。根據許多文獻的探討可發現,知識的創造是決定是否能賦予組織無限的生命與優勢力,而知識分享、知識社群與組織學習是促進知識能有效創造的重要因素。另外,良好的組織文化也是促使知識創造在整個創造過程中的催化劑。 因此,本研究在探討1.台灣高科技公司之知識分享、知識社群、組織學習對知識創造的影響;2.以及其組織文化對於知識分享、知識社群、組織學習與知識創造上是否具有干擾(調節)的影響效果。 經由本研究實證結果發現,在知識分享方面有2/3個假設並不成立;知識社群方面有3個假設皆成立;知識學習方面有2個假設皆成立;組織文化干擾變項方面有3個假設皆不成立。綜合各構念5個不成立的假設進行分析發現,台灣高科技公司礙於進行知識創造的最主要原因,在於知識分享的意願與能力上。 / [[abstract]]Abstract Technology has deeply influenced the way of today’s life; therefore, the core technology and capability of the Hi-Tech company decides its own competence. However, the core technologies is almost owned by advanced countries, and make the development in Taiwan be limited. From the literature review, it can be found that the knowledge creation of an organization is to be determined by the vitality and advantage. Knowledge sharing, knowledge community and organizational learning are important factors to prompt knowledge to be created effectively. Therefore, this study aims to answer 2 questions as follows. First, the influence of knowledge sharing, community, and organizational learning on knowledge creation in high tech companies in Taiwan. Second, to examine organizational culture as a moderator to effect knowledge sharing, community, organizational learning and knowledge creation. The results are as follows. In the aspect of knowledge sharing, there are 2 of 3 hypotheses unestablished. In the aspect of knowledge community, there are 3 hypotheses established. In the aspect of organizational learning, there is 2 hypotheses established. In the aspect of organizational culture as a moderator, there is 3 hypotheses unestablished.To analyze these 5 unestablished hypotheses, this thesis discovers that the main factors to obstruct high tech companies are the willingness and competence.