The effect of different oriented sapphire substrates on the growth of polar and non-polar ZnMgO by MOCVD
- Authors
- shi, k
- yang, al
- wang, j
- song, hp
- xq, xu
- sang, l
- wei, hy
- yang, sy
- liu, xl
- zhu, qs
- wang, zg
- Publication Date
- Jan 01, 2011
- Source
- Knowledge Repository of SEMI,CAS
- Keywords
- Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Sapphire
- Zinc Compounds
- Semiconducting Ii-Vi Materials
- Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
- Optical-Properties
- Zno Nanorods
- Raman-Scattering
- M-Plane
- Films
- Photoluminescence
- Deposition
- Nanowires
- Fields
- 半导体材料
- Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Aluminum Oxide
- Zinc Compounds
- Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Optical Properties
- Raman Effect
- Photography--Films
- Finite Volume Method
- Photoluminescence
- Sedimentation
- Nanowires
- Sports Facilities
- Barns
- Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Metallorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Mocvd (Vapor Deposition)
- Movpe (Vapor Deposition)
- Omcvd (Vapor Deposition)
- Omvpe (Vapor Deposition)
- Organo-Metal Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Organometallic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Organometallic Vapor Deposition
- 蓝宝石
- Alumina
- Al<Sub>2</Sub>O<Sub>3</Sub>
- Bayer Process
- Aluminium Compounds
- Aluminum Compounds
- Sapphire
- Alumine
- Aluminiumoxid
- Oxyde D Aluminium
- Tonerde
- Saphir
- Sapphire (Francais)
- Aluminium Oxide
- Composes Du Zinc
- Zinkverbindungen
- Optical Constants
- Optische Eigen Schaften
- Proprietes Optiques
- Optical Props
- 拉曼散射
- Combination Scattering Spectra
- Hyper Raman Effect
- Raman Scattering
- Raman Spectra
- Photographic Film
- Films
- Motion Pictures
- Movies
- Cinema
- Feature Films--History And Criticism
- Moving-Pictures
- Microfilms
- Filmstrips
- Film Slides
- Film Strips
- Slidefilms
- Anodised Layers
- Anodized Layers
- Claddings
- Cvd Coatings
- Chemical Vapor Deposited Coatings
- Chemical Vapour Deposited Coatings
- Cvd Thin Films
- Decorative Coatings
- Electrophoretic Coatings
- Fission Reactor Fuel Claddings
- Foils
- Mocvd Coatings
- Optical Fibre Cladding
- Optical Fiber Cladding
- Protective Coatings, Optical Fibre
- Plasma Arc Sprayed Coatings
- Plasma Sprayed Coatings
- Plasma Cvd Coatings
- Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposited Coatings
- Plasma Deposited Coatings
- Polymer Films
- Polymer Coatings
- Vacuum Deposited Coatings
- Vacuum Deposited Thin Films
- Vapour Deposited Coatings
- Vapor Deposited Coatings
- Vapor Deposited Thin Films
- Vapour Deposited Thin Films
- Elektrophoretische Ueberzuege
- Revetements Electrophoretiques
- Plasmalichtbogen-Spruehueberzuege
- Revetements Par Projection Au Plasma
- Motion Pictures (Entertainment)
- 有限体积法
- Art Films
- Cinefilms
- Moving Image Materials
- 光致发光
- 沉[降堆]积
- Deposition
- Electrolytic Deposition
- Sedimentation (Deutsch)
- Sedimentation (Francais)
- Accretion
- Sediment
- Sedimentology
- Fresh-Water Sedimentation
- Marine Sedimentation
- 沉降
- 吸积
- Accumulation Of Sediments
- Deposition (Geology)
- Freshwater Sedimentation
- Geological Deposition
- Sediment Deposition
- Centrifugation
- 沉积
- Atomic Wires
- Molecular Wires
- Quantum Wires
- Subnanoscale Wires
- Semiconductor Nanowires
- Semiconductor Quantum Wires
- Quantum Wire Lasers
- Nano-Sized Wires
- Nano Scale Wires
- Nano Wires
- Nanoscale Wires
- Aquatic Centers
- Arenas
- Athletic Complexes
- Athletic Fields
- Ball Parks
- Baseball Fields
- Dragways
- Equestrian Centers
- Fields
- Football Fields
- Golf Clubs
- Golf Courses
- Gymnasiums
- Natatoriums
- Physical Education Facilities
- Pistol Ranges (Sport)
- Polo Fields
- Pools, Swimming
- Race Tracks
- Racecourses
- Racetracks
- Raceways
- Rifle Ranges
- Rodeo Grounds
- Shooting Ranges (Sport)
- Skeet Shooting Ranges
- Ski Areas
- Ski Facilities
- Ski Trails
- Speedways
- Stadiums
- Swim Clubs
- Swimming Pools
- Tennis Clubs
- Tennis Courts
- Fish Raceways
- Agricultural Sites
- Agricultural Facilities
- Agricultural Reserves
- Bailing Stations
- Banana Plantations
- Cattle Dipping Tanks
- Corrals
- Cotton Plantations
- Croplands
- Cultivated Areas
- Cultivated Croplands
- Dairies
- Farms
- Farmsteads
- Feedlots
- Granges
- Grazing Allotments
- Irrigated Fields
- Nurseries
- Oil Palm Plantations
- Orchards
- Pastoral Sites
- Pastures
- Plantations
- Ranches
- Rice Fields
- Rubber Plantations
- Sheepfolds
- Sisal Plantations
- Stockyards
- Sugar Plantations
- Tea Plantations
- Vineyards
- Farmlands
- Plowed Fields
- Meadows (Grazing Lands)
- Paddocks
- Range Pastures
- Data Fields
- License
- Unknown
- External links