Determination of the Lifetime Influence Upon the Conversion Efficiency of the Photovoltaic Silicon Solar Cells
- Authors
- Type
- Published Article
- Journal
- The Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty
- Publisher
- De Gruyter Open
- Publication Date
- Oct 01, 2017
- Volume
- 17
- Issue
- 2
- Pages
- 20–24
- Identifiers
- DOI: 10.1515/sbeef-2017-0005
- Source
- De Gruyter
- Keywords
- License
- Green
If the electrons and holes in excess are created in a semiconductor, either by means of light absorption, or using other methods, the thermic balance is disturbed, therefore these electrons and holes should be nullified after the source had been stopped. This process is named recombination. There are three main recombination types: radioactive, Auger and deep energy level recombination. All three are based on the doping concentration to a certain point. The life time is determined using the three recombination processes in semiconductor.