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Determination of emissions of pollutants by two-wheel motor vehicles including evaporation emissions and development of a test procedure for annual gaseous emissions testing / Ermittlung der Schadstoffemission von motorisierten Zweiraedern einschliesslich der Verdunstungsemissionen und Entwicklung eines Pruefverfahrens zur jaehrlichen Abgasuntersuchung

  • Braun, T.
  • Gersdorf, D.
  • Berg, M.
  • Leiber, M.
  • TUEV Nord Strassenverkehr GmbH, Hannover...
  • Umweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany)
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2000
OpenGrey Repository


The aim of this project was to determine the state of technology of pollutant emissions from 50 types of motorcycles, and on the basis of the measurements carried out to estimate the potential for reducing emissions with a view to future limit values. The vehicles tested were distributed between the various categories of vehicle on the basis of the figures for new registrations in the years 1996, 1997 and the first half of 1998 supplied by the Federal Motor Vehicle Office. The vehicle types were selected on the basis amongst other things of the statistics ('league table') of the Industrieverband Motorrad Deutschland e.V (IVM). For the categories light motorcycles and motorcycles the programme of investigation included gaseous emission measurements as per ECE Regulation 40 and the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) for passenger cars. Mopeds were tested in accordance with ECE Regulation 47 and at full power. Motorcycles with lambda-regulated catalytic converters were in addition subjected to gaseous emission testing carried out by analogy with the test regulations applying to passenger cars with lambda-regulated catalytic converters. For 10 selected vehicles, evaporative emissions were determined by the SHED test (1-hour hot soak test and 24-hour tank breathing test). In one exemplary calculation, a motorcycle was found to have four-and-a-half times the fuel consumption (in relation to its engine size and tare weight) of a small car. Evaporative emissions can be reduced by at least 76% by the introduction of a limit value of 2g HC. The introduction of gaseous emission testing for motorcycles would ensure that the CO limit at idling speed applied in the type-approval test would also be maintained in service. Where limit values are exceeded, adjustments to the engine are successful in 97% of cases. (orig.) / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(2000,415) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek / Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany) / DE / Germany

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