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Dependence of ultrasonic pulse propagation velocity on free water content in concrete structure under tropical climate conditions

  • Rodríguez Fadragas, C.
  • Rodríguez González, M.
Publication Date
Mar 30, 2012
Materiales de Construcción
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One of the fundamental applications of the ultrasonic pulse velocity method (UPV) to the study of concrete consists in the estimation of the mechanical properties. The precision on the estimation of theses properties may be dependent on the incidence of several factors, one of them is the free water content absorbed by the sample of concrete under working conditions. In this paper it is shown that the modeling of the dependence between the ultrasonic pulse velocity and the content of free water in the hardened concrete requires the non linear approach. We propose two models, one of them being a non linear mathematical model fitting the experimental data points, and the other of them being a simple physical model structured by considering the concrete material as composed as heterogeneous medium. Besides, it is discussed under which condition the linear approach for modelling proposed by other authors can be used.

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