Defense of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) Against Herbivory and Heavy Metals with Insights on the Sulfur Metabolism
- Authors
- Type
- Published Article
- Journal
- Junge Wissenschaft
- Publication Date
- January 2013
- Issue
- 99
- Source
- Keywords
- License
- Blue
Garlic, grown in a controlled environment, was exposed to either herbivory, copper excess or both stresses. Chlorophyll content in the leaves was measured using a photospectrometry method, FRAP assay (Ferric reducing antioxidant power) was carried out and allicin content was determined using HPLC. Cayman glutathione assay kit was also used to determine glutathione content in the leaves, but molecules from our matrix inhibited the kit from working properly. The experiment should verify that the plant's allicin metabolic pathway is affected by different biotic and abiotic stresses, and that these stresses also affect chlorophyll synthesis which was verified by trend. Fungi infestation and other physical illnesses indicated that the plant was affected by the simulated stresses. Whereas allicin content in the leaves remained unaffected by copper. One could estimate, that the plant used an alternative pathway to synthesise the essential defense molecule.