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Collection of papers presented to the in-house seminar of INE staff members / Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des internen INE-Mitarbeiterseminars

  • Loida, A. (ed.)
  • karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
Publication Date
Jan 01, 1997
OpenGrey Repository


Die Themen der 23 Beitraege lauten: Stand der Arbeiten zum Aufbau der Prototypverglasungsanlage - Massenspektrometrische Untersuchung von simulierten HAW-Glaesern mittels Laser-Ablation - Corrosion behaviour of the WAK-HLW glass -Photoelectron spectroscopy of corroded HLW glasses - Barrier effect of the waste form spent fuel - Praezise Sauerstoffmessungen an Oxiden und Hydroxiden -Oxidation state of uranium oxide from the Natural Fission Reactor Oklo, Gabon -Barriere Abfallbehaelter - Entwicklungsarbeiten fuer die Laser-induzierte Breakdown Detektion von Kolloiden - Erweitertes Modell zur Beschreibung des laserinduzierten Breakdowneffektes an Kolloiden - Strahlenchemische Effekte im Endlagernahbereich: #gamma#-Radiolyse in 6 molaler NaCL-Loesung - Experimental determination of ion interaction (Pitzer) parameters for the Tc04-ion in the sea water salt system Na+/K+/Mg_2+/Ca2+/Cl-/SO42-/H2O at 25 C - Ladungsverteilung und Bindungsstaerke in chemischen Komplexen der Lanthanoide und der Actinoide -Separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) by selective solvent extraction with N-donor extractants - "1"4C dating of Gorleben groundwaters strongly affected by mineralization of sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) - A study of the surface sorption process on silica by time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (I) - Komplexierung von Cm(III) mit Monokieselsaeure - Thermal simulation of drift emplacement: 3D-temperature analyses - Untersuchungen zum Kompaktierungsverhalten von Versatzmaterial (Salzgrus) - Modellrechnungen zu Umloesevorgaengen bei Laugenstroemungen im Endlagernahbereich - Modellierung des geochemischen Milieus in einem Endlager im Steinsalz bei Anwesenheit von Zement - Nuklidmigration im Deckgebierge des Endlagers fuer radioaktive Abfaelle Morsleben - Bestimmung von in-situ Elementverteilungen im Deckgebirge des Endlagers fuer radioaktive Abfaelle Morsleben (ERAM). (MM) / The titles of the 23 papers are: Objectives and status of work for establishing the protoype vitrification plant. Mass spectrometry for examination of simulated HLW glass using laser beam ablation. Corrosion behaviour of the WAK-HLW glass. Photoelectron spectroscopy of corroded HLW glasses. Barrier effect of the waste form spent fuel. Exact oxygen measurement in oxides and hydroxides. Oxidation state of uranium oxide from the natural fission reactor Oklo, Gabon. Barrier effects of the waste cask. Development work for laser-induced breakdown detection of colloids. Expanded model for description of the laser-induced breakdown effect in colloids. Radiation chemical effects in the near-field environment of a radwaste repository: #gamma# radiolysis in 6 molal NaCl solution. Experimental determination of ion interaction (Pitzer) parameters for the TcO4- ion in the sea water salt system Na+/K+/Mg2+/Ca2+/Cl-/SO42-/H2O at 25 C. Charge distribution and bonding strength in chemical complexes of the lanthanoides and actinoides. Separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) by selective solvent extraction with N-donor extractants. "14C Dating of Gorleben groundwaters strongly affected by mineralization of sedimentary organic carbon (SOC). A study of the surface sorption process on silica by time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (I). Complexation of Cm(III) with tetraoxosilic acid. Thermal simulation of drift emplacement: 3D temperature analyses. Investigation into the compacting behaviour of backfilling material (salt rock detritus). Modelling calculations for description of re-dissolving processes in the presence of brine streams in the near-field environment of radwaste repositories. Modelling of the geochemical environment in a radwaste repository in salt rock in the presence of cement. Nuclide migration in the cap rock of the Morsleben radwaste repository. Determination of in-situ element distributions in the cap rock of the Morsleben radwaste repository (ERAM). (orig./CB) / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: ZA 5141(6036) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek / DE / Germany

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