Coastal Area Management in Sweden : Report on comprehensive coastal planning in the Municipality of Lysekil
- Authors
- Publication Date
- Jan 01, 1995
- Source
- DiVA - Academic Archive On-line
- Keywords
- Language
- English
- License
- Green
- External links
This report has been prepared as a background document for the environmental cooperation around the Baltic Sea. The report focuses on coastal area planning as a process to include physical, biological and human components within a comprehensive management framework for the coastal zone. One of the purposes of the report has been to provide demonstration material for use in the Swedish bilateral cooperation with countries in central and eastern Europe. It should be underlined that the management and planning strategies must be developed within the framework of the cultural, legal and administrative system of each country. In developing these strategies the comprehensive plan of the Municipality of Lysekil could be seen as an example of the Swedish approach to coastal and marine management at municipal level. The report has been prepared by Lars Johansson and Antonia Sanchez Hjortberg, Swedmar, the international consultancy group of the National Board of Lisheries. The report has been compiled with the help of the Municipality of Lysekil and the County Administrative Board of Gothenburg and Bohuslän, which have kindly put their planningmaterial and knowledge at disposal. Also the ELEM Architects in Gothenburg, the municipality's planning consultant, has provided valuable assistance. This work was carried out at the request of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency which also has funded the report. Swedmar