Affordable Access

Characterizing firebrands and their kinematics during lofting

  • Petersen, Alec J
  • Banerjee, Tirtha
Publication Date
Oct 01, 2024
eScholarship - University of California
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Spot fires pose a major risk and add to the already complex physics, which makes fire spread so hard to predict, especially in the wildland urban interface. Firebrands can not only cross fuel breaks and thwart other suppression efforts but also directly damage infrastructure and block evacuation routes. Transport models and computational fluid dynamics tools often make simplifications when predicting spot fire risk, but there is a relative lack of experimental data to validate such parameterizations. To this end, we present a field experiment performed at the University of California Berkeley Blodgett Research Forest in California where we recorded the flame and firebrands emanating from a nighttime hand-drawn pile fire using high-frequency imaging. We used image-processing to characterize the fire intensity and turbulence as well as particle tracking velocimetry to measure ejected firebrand kinematics as they are lofted by the plume. We further collected embers that settled around the fire at varying distances and measured their size, shape, density, and settling distributions. We also examine existing physics-based time-averaged models of firebrand lofting and note discrepancies between such models, often used due to their speed and simplicity, and our experimental observations. Finally, we discuss some implications our observations could have on future modeling efforts by considering the time-dependent fire dynamics, intermittency in the plume turbulence, and in the firebrand generation rate. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first in situ observations of firebrand generation and lofting from representative fuels, addressing a major source of data gap and uncertainty in the wildland fire literature.

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