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Att uppnå status bland studenter : Studentkommunikationens inverkan på företagets attraktivitet som arbetsgivare

  • Muhonen, Jani
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2005
DiVA - Academic Archive On-line
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Abstract Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine if employer branding affects a company’s attractiveness as employer among students studying economics. The aim is also to identify other factors that could affect a company’s attractiveness as employer. Material/Method: In order to examine the effects above a qualitative method is used. Interviews with people responsible for employer branding at companies with different positions in the study FöretagsBarometern form the base for analysis. Main results: The main results can be summarized as follows: - Employer branding is important for a company’s ability to keep its position among the most attractive employers according to students studying economics. - Even though employer branding seems important, employer branding can not single-handedly build the attractiveness needed to reach the “top of mind” among students. - Other factors, such as the company’s culture and organization, its size and market, and the business cycle, needs to match with the students preferences before employer branding has an effect on attractiveness. Keywords: Employer Branding, Public Relations, communication, attractiveness, employers, students

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