Assessment of water quality along a tributary of the Mekong river in a mountainous, mixed land use environment of the Lao P.D.R. Authors Ribolzi, Olivier Cuny, Juliette Sengsoulichanh, P. Pierret, Alain Thiebaux, Jean-Pierre Huon, S. Bourdon, Emmanuel Robain, Henri Sengtaheuanghoung, O. Publication Date Jan 01, 2008 Source HAL-ENAC Keywords Cours D'Eau Qualite De L'Eau Haute Altitude Oxygene Dissous Matiere En Suspension Bacterie Utilisation Du Sol Sediment Betail Facteur Anthropique Pollution Des Eaux Continentales Contamination Zone De Montagne Recommandation Eau Usee Laos Luang Prabang Houay Xon Cours D'Eau Mekong Bassin Versant Language English License Unknown External links Full record on