Alternative and Integrative Medicine Pharmacognostical Study of Bark of Chirbilva Holoptelia Integrifolia Planch
- Authors
- Type
- Published Article
- Journal
- Alternative & Integrative Medicine
- Publisher
- OMICS Publishing Group
- Publication Date
- Sep 25, 2022
- Accepted Date
- Aug 25, 2022
- Volume
- 11
- Issue
- 8
- Identifiers
- DOI: 10.37421/2327-5162.2022.11.408
- Source
- MyScienceWork
- Keywords
- License
- Green
Purpose: Pharmacognostical study of bark of Chirbilva Holoptelia integrifolia is done for identification in field and to avoid adulteration by standardization. Methods: Drug is studied taxonomically and its macroscopic, microscopic features were studied including powder microscopy of bark with suitable instruments. Results: Macroscopic study reveals dried bark from trunk of old branches was flat, somewhat curved in shape. Outer surface was grayish brown in color with blackish brown adherent patches of rhytidoma while inner surface was yellow in color. Outer surface was rough, warty due to rounded protuberances of the lenticels. Microscopic study reveals rhytidoma traversed with stone cells, followed by narrow zone of parenchymatous cortex with stone cells. Phloem was very wide, traversed with wavy medullary rays, tangential bands of fibers and stone cells. Uni-to triseriate medullary rays was observed. Powder microscopy reveals fragments of lignified cork with stone cells. Isolated or groups of thick-walled spherical to oblong shaped, pitted stone cells and septate fibres were present. Prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and simple starch grains were scattered as such throughout or embedded in parenchymatous cells. Fragments of tangentially and radially-longitudinally cut medullary rays associated with fibres were seen. Conclusion: Finding of this study will falicitate pharmacognostic standardization of plant material and become an aid for identification as well as preparation of herbal monographs for the species and to enjoy the ayuvedic classical claims.