A Rare Case of Kussmaul Disease (Sialodochitis Fibrinosa)
- Authors
- Type
- Published Article
- Journal
- Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
- Publisher
- Ashdin Publishing
- Publication Date
- Jan 18, 2015
- Volume
- 4
- Pages
- 1–3
- Identifiers
- DOI: 10.4303/jcrm/235894
- Source
- Ashdin
- Keywords
- License
- Green
Sialodochitis fibrinosa (commonly known as Kussmaul disease) is a rare salivary gland disease characterized by recurrent salivary gland swelling and pain as a result of mucofibrinous plugs. Patients typically have a history of multiple recurrent glandular swellings, dehydration, decreased salivary flow, thick secretions from Stensen's, Wharton's duct, and history of allergic disease. Retention of mucofibrinous plugs may lead to acute suppurative parotitis and ultimately chronic sialadenitis. The diagnosis is one of exclusion, and treatment is based on symptomatology and largely supportive.