denayer, julien coen-aubert, marie marion, jean-marc mottequin, bernard
The revision of the lithostratigraphic scale of southern Belgium, based on the revised geological map of Wallonia and recent stratigraphic and sedimentological works, has led to the re-definition of 63 lithostratigraphic units for the Middle Devonian Series. Although most of the units described in the present overview are classical subdivisions of ...
mottequin, bernard denayer, julien
mottequin, bernard denayer, julien delcambre, bernard marion, jean-marc poty, edouard
The lithostratigraphic scale of Belgium, which is the cradle of several global Devonian stages, has been revised after completion of the update of the Geological Map of Wallonia (Carte géologique de Wallonie) at a scale of 1/25,000 and recent stratigraphic and sedimentological research. As a result, 100 lithostratigraphic units (groups, formations,...
denayer, julien mottequin, bernard
The revision of the lithostratigraphic scale of southern Belgium, based on the revised Geological Map of Wallonia and recent stratigraphic and sedimentological works lead to the re-definition of 75 lithostratigraphic units for the Lower Devonian Series. Most of the units described in the present paper are classical subdivisions of the lithostratigr...
andré, coralie bogemans, frieda sabbe, koen van de vijver, bart storme, annelies allemeersch, luc de clercq, wim trachet, jan poulain, maxime louwye, stephen
The northeastern coastal plain of Belgium was a well-developed region during the late medieval period when Bruges and a series of smaller harbours became connected to the North Sea via the Zwin tidal channel. Yet, ecological data related to the evolution of the regional environment of the former Zwin region are still lacking. Diatoms, pollen, and m...
de brito, léa fischer, valentin prestianni, cyrille
Pinaceous ovulate cones have an abundant fossil record since the middle Lower Cretaceous. Pinus belgica Alvin (1960) is considered the second oldest representative of the genus Pinus. This taxon has thus often been included in phylogenetic and molecular dating analyses although its age and stratigraphy are uncertain. We redescribe this important sp...
everaert, stijn deckers, jef bosselaers, mark schiltz, marco louwye, stephen
A temporary outcrop near the “Rubenshuis” in the centre of Antwerp (northern Belgium) facilitated the study of the Neogene glauconitic sand of the Berchem and Kattendijk formations, west and south of their respective stratotype sections. In contrast to the latter sections, the exposed Kiel Member of the Berchem Formation contains a relatively silty...
deckers, jef munsterman, dirk de koninck, roel schiltz, marco
The Oligocene Eigenbilzen Formation and Miocene Bolderberg Formation were studied along the Albert Canal in the southern Genk municipality, eastern Belgium. Previous studies have subdivided the Eigenbilzen Formation into geophysical subunits based on borehole logs. Correlations of borehole logs with a deep Cone Penetration Test reveal that this sub...
van viersen, allart p.
Species of the odontopleurine trilobites Leonaspis Richter & Richter, 1917 and Kettneraspis Prantl & Přibyl, 1949 from the Silurian and the Devonian have been studied. Dorsal tubercle and spine patterns are highly variable and deemed of restricted use. The pygidial segmentation of Leonaspis is consistent among species in the development of a rudime...
buyse, florian dewaele, stijn boone, matthieu n. cnudde, veerle
The Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankole belt (KAB) in Central Africa hosts important mineralized lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatites enriched in Sn, Nb, Ta and W. Microscopic techniques are required to further refine the paragenetic history of mineralized pegmatites in the KAB and to understand the pegmatite-forming processes leading to an enrichment of ...