eyenga, manga ebai, patricia fongnzossie, fedoung e. ngondi, j. laure sindic, m.
Description. Tetrapleura tetraptera and Aframomum citratum fruits are ingredients in traditional medicines in some sub-Saharan countries. For medicinal purposes, the fruit extracts are obtained using different extraction methods and by adding lime juice or baking soda powder. Objectives. Evaluate the influence of the solid-liquid ratio, the pH and ...
rodrigues de souza, caio marins silva de oliveira, lara zaine vaz, carolina ferreira bazon, josé norberto vieira, tatiana manzini groppo, milton miller crotti, antônio eduardo silva dias, polianna alves dias, herbert
Description of the subject. Essential oils are volatile fractions produced through the special metabolism of plants. One significant biological application of essential oils in recent years has been their use as bioherbicides, due to their important biocide effect. Objectives. This study aims to identify the chemical constituents of Aloysia gratiss...
salami, payman ahmadi, hojat keyhani, alireza
The aim of this study was to determine the energy consumption and economic analysis for strawberry production. The data were collected from 60 farmers growing strawberry in the Sanandaj zone of Iran by using a face-to-face questionnaire in August-September 2009. The plowing operation at the study area was done by two methods; manually plow (P1) and...
cugnon, thibaut mahillon, jacques lambert, richard
Description of the subject. Large amounts of nitrogen may be released after grassland ploughing, and no reliable method is available for routine laboratories to help farmers managing these cultural practices. Objectives. The objective of this study was to assess whether short-term anaerobic potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) is a reliable est...
marien, aline fumière, olivier roetschi, alexandra maljean, julien berben, gilbert
Description of the subject. Use of all processed animal proteins (PAPs) in animal feeds was banned in the EU due to the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). This total feed ban was progressively lifted for non-ruminant PAPs from 2013 onwards. Use of ruminant PAPs in feed remains totally prohibited. In order to extend the reintroducti...
ahissou, besmer régis sawadogo, wendnéyidé mathieu sankara, fernand kambiré, fabèkourè cédric bokonon-ganta, aimé h. somda, irénée verheggen, françois j.
Description of the subject. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a major pest of staple cereal crops established in West Africa since 2016. Recently, earwigs have been observed consuming S. frugiperda immature stages in maize fields.Objectives. In this study, we evaluated the potential of earwigs, ...
ndiaye, diatou brévault, thierry muriithi, beatrice w. zackariaou, boubacar belmin, raphaël
Description of the suject. In Africa, pest pressure has led researchers, policymakers, and international development stakeholders to develop and disseminate innovative pest management strategies. However, farmers reject some pest management strategies due to economic constraints, agronomic problems, or incompatibilities with their strategies, knowl...
rakotobe, rovanirina razafindrakoto, malalatiana ravonjiarison, nasandratra blanchart, éric andriamifidy, tantely razafimbelo bernard, laetitia raminoarison, manoa rakotomalala, heriniaina hobiarivelo ratsiatosika, onja autfray, patrice
Description du sujet. Au niveau d’une commune péri-urbaine à Madagascar, un dispositif de recherche-action en partenariat a pour objectif d’améliorer l’offre en fertilisation organique par le lombricompostage. Objectifs. Un inventaire des ressources végétales potentiellement mobilisables en lombricompostage a été premièrement effectué au cours des ...
osorio-pérez, sofía madeline ochoa-sánchez, adriana rodulfo, hectorina de donato, marcos ibarra, daniela martínez, paloma fierros, grisel
Description of the subject. In aquatic environments, prolonged exposure to heavy metals and/or antimicrobials selects for resistant bacteria, increasing the health risk for the population.Objectives. To evaluate antimicrobial and arsenic (As) resistance, presence of addiction systems and biofilm production in Gram-negative bacilli isolated from the...
harinarivo, hoby l. tombozara, nantenaina rabemanantsoa, christian randriamampionona, denis lebret, didier rasoarahona, jean raonizafinimanana, beatrice rasoarahona, felamboahangy raherimandimby, marson andrianjara, charles
Description of the subject. Vanilla is a spice whose name comes from the spanish word “vanilla”, meaning little black pods. It comes from a variety of orchids, more specifically the vanilla plant. Although vanilla is the second most expensive spice, next to saffron, it is still the most used in the food, cosmetics, beverage, and tobacco industries....