Cao, Zhen Aharonian, F Axikegu, M Bai, Y.X Bao, Y.W Bastieri, D Bi, X.J Bi, Y.J Bian, W Bukevich, A.V
The KM2A is the largest sub-array of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). It consists of 5216 electromagnetic particle detectors (EDs) and 1188 muon detectors (MDs). The data recorded by the EDs and MDs are used to reconstruct primary information of cosmic ray and gamma-ray showers. This information is used for physical analysis...
Djurado, Elisabeth Celikbilek, Ozden Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Yefsah, Lydia Laurencin, Jérôme
International audience
Brunello, Giacomo Chestnov, Vsevolod Mastrolia, Pierpaolo
Twisted period integrals are ubiquitous in theoretical physics and mathematics, where they inhabit a finite-dimensional vector space governed by an inner product known as the intersection number. In this work, we uncover the associated tensor structures of intersection numbers and integrate them with the fibration method to develop a novel and effi...
Ouacel, Seddik Mazzella, Lucas Kloss, Thomas Aluffi, Matteo Vasselon, Thomas Edlbauer, Hermann Wang, Junliang Geffroy, Clement Shaju, Jashwanth Yamamoto, Michihisa
Electronic flying qubits offer an interesting alternative to photonic qubits: electrons propagate slower, hence easier to control in real time, and Coulomb interaction enables direct entanglement between different qubits. While their coherence time is limited, picosecond-scale control would make them competitive in terms of number of possible coher...
Jaziri, Aymen Corre, Yoann Doré, Jean-Baptiste Demmer, David Zayani, Rafik
This document details the creation of a radio channel database using digital twin. The provided database will be exploited through the other work packages in order to optimize algorithms and improve the performance of the studied cell-free mMIMO technology. An automated calculation chain is employed to generate a substantial volume of data samples....
Karim, Tanveer Singh, Sukhdeep Rezaie, Mehdi Eisenstein, Daniel Hadzhiyska, Boryana Speagle, Joshua S Aguilar, Jessica Nicole Ahlen, Steven Brooks, David Claybaugh, Todd
Measuring the growth of structure is a powerful probe for studying the dark sector, especially in light of the $\sigma_8$ tension between primary CMB anisotropy and low-redshift surveys. This paper provides a new measurement of the amplitude of the matter power spectrum, $\sigma_8$, using galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-CMB lensing power spectra of Dark E...
Faranda, Davide Bourdin, Stella Camargo, Suzana J. Lee, Chia-Ying Fromang, Sébastien
The TROPICANA program, held in June 2024, represented a pioneering interdisciplinary effort to address the intricate challenges surrounding tropical cyclones, medicanes, and their connection with climate change. These cyclones, known for their devastating impacts, pose substantial threats to both life and property. The event adopted a multifaceted ...
Raman, Gayathri Ronchini, Samuele Delaunay, James Tohuvavohu, Aaron Kennea, Jamie A Parsotan, Tyler Ambrosi, Elena Bernardini, Maria Grazia Campana, Sergio Cusumano, Giancarlo
We present results from a search for X-ray/gamma-ray counterparts of gravitational-wave (GW) candidates from the third observing run (O3) of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) network using the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (Swift-BAT). The search includes 636 GW candidates received in low latency, 86 of which have been confirmed by the offline analysis and ...
Acharya, Shreyasi Adamova, Dagmar Adler, Alexander Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca Agnello, Michelangelo Agrawal, Neelima Ahammed, Zubayer Ahmad, Shakeel Ahn, Sang Un Ahuja, Ishaan
The measurement of $\Upsilon$(1S), $\Upsilon$(2S), and $\Upsilon$(3S) yields as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity density, $\textrm{d}N_{\textrm{ch}}/\textrm{d}\eta$, using the ALICE experiment at the LHC, is reported in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV. The $\Upsilon$ meson yields are measured at forward rapidity ($2.5
Demmer, David Doré, Jean-Baptiste Zayani, Rafik Le Ruyet, Didier Chevalier, Pascal Jaziri, Aymen Corre, Yoann
The POSEIDON project aims at defining solutions for scalable CF-mMIMO operating in the sub-6GHz frequencybands where the available spectral resources are scarce. In particular, scalable CF-mMIMO architectures must beable to handle i) to support the dramatic increase in wireless traffic demand, which is caused by the exponentialgrowth of connected w...