Hamon, Katell G.Hintzen, Niels T.Oostenbrugge, Hans J.A.E.
This report is an update of the data and analysis on the value of the fishing activities of the Dutch, British, Danish, German, Belgian, Swedish and French fishing fleets on the proposed closed areas on the Dogger Bank. The effort, value and landings are presented for a five-year period (2010-2015) and show large variations over the last years, dri...
Unsustainable fishing practices, including the use of non-selective fishing methods and Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, contribute to the decline of tuna fish stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). This has led to emergence of different public and private governance arrangements to foster the sustainable exploitat...
De zeekat, een inktvis die voor onze kust leeft, blijkt een goed gehoor te hebben. Mogelijk luisteren de dieren hiermee of ze vijanden horen aankomen. Dit blijkt uit geluidtesten die de Wageningse biologiestudent Julia Samson uitvoerde. Ze schrijft erover in the Journal of Experimental Biology. De laatste jaren is er steeds meer aandacht voor ‘gelu...
Op 15 maart 2013 heeft volgens opdracht een evaluatiegesprek plaatsgevonden tussen opdrachtgever en opdrachtnemer over de uitgevoerde 5 Ecotoxicologieprojecten, monitoringcyclus 2012-2013. Dit rapport is een verslag van de besproken onderwerpen tijdens het evaluatiegesprek.
The potential negative effects of high levels of underwater noise on marine life have been identified and acknowledged, and this issue has been incorporated into various international agreements over the past decade. Several countries have already issued regulations to limit the incidence and level of anthropogenic noise in the oceans. The developm...
The metapopulation concept could provide an additional way of designating areas for protective measures in the North Sea, by delineating habitat preferences and population dynamics. The current study looks into the applicability of the metapopulation concept to the North Sea underwater environment. It also seeks out species in the North Sea that co...
Concerns over man’s impact on the environment and ecosystems of the world have resulted in a shift in emphasis in the management of marine natural resources. Consequently, an ecosystem approach to management (EAM) is in the process of being developed and implemented for the North Sea