Krzysiak, Michał K. Świątalska, Agnieszka Plis-Kuprianowicz, Elwira Konieczny, Andrzej Bakier, Sławomir Tomczuk, Krzysztof Larska, Magdalena
Published in
Journal of Veterinary Research
Introduction In winter 2021/2022, a wolf population in the primeval Białowieża Forest in Poland was struck by an outbreak of severe mange caused by mixed infestations of Sarcoptes and Demodex mites. We present an epidemiological analysis of this mange which caused significant morbidity and mortality. Material and Methods Ten sites known for wolf ac...
pierotti, raymond
In this study, I discuss recent studies of human/wildlife mutualisms and suggest that several cases considered to represent domestication that has arisen through commensalism would be better considered as examples of mutualism between humans and various wild species. Species discussed include the only domesticated carnivores: cats (Felis sylvestris...
katsarou, eleni i. arsenopoulos, konstantinos v. michael, charalambia k. lianou, daphne t. petinaki, efthymia papadopoulos, elias fthenakis, george c.
The objectives of the present work were the investigation of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in dogs in small ruminant farms in Greece, the elucidation of potential predictors for these infections and the description of practices related to administration of anthelmintics to dogs. This study was carried out in 444 small ruminant farms in Gree...
Vovk, Janina
V Sloveniji sta glavna plenilca prostoživečih parkljarjev volk (Canis lupus) in evrazijski ris (Lynx lynx), ki imata zaradi različne strategije lova lahko različen vpliv na populacije velikih parkljarjev. Na spolno in starostno strukturo ter fizično stanje osebkov v slednjih močno vplivajo tudi antropogeni vzroki, predvsem odstrel, v manjši meri pa...
Karamon, Jacek Samorek-Pieróg, Małgorzata Bilska-Zając, Ewa Korpysa-Dzirba, Weronika Sroka, Jacek Zdybel, Jolanta Cencek, Tomasz
Published in
Journal of Veterinary Research
Introduction The aim of this study was to estimate the occurrence of Echinococcus spp. and other helminth infections in grey wolves in south-eastern Poland. Material and Methods Overall, 74 samples of wolf faeces were examined with a multiplex PCR and a system of real-time quantitative PCR methods to detect and identify Echinococcus spp. The faeces...
Golob, Matija
V magistrski nalogi z naslovom »Svoje življenje dam za ovce.« (Jn 10,11): eksegetska analiza Jn 10,11-18 in dobri pastir v duhovniški identiteti in duhovniškem poslanstvu želi avtor predstaviti, kako je duhovniku pri njegovem življenju in poslanstvu v zgled podoba dobrega pastirja kot ga predstavi evangelist Janez v odlomku Jn 10,11-18. Ta odlomek ...
jonas, david tatrai, kitti sandor, sara egyed, balazs kubinyi, eniko
Domestication of dogs from their shared ancestors with wolves occurred more than 15,000 years ago and affected many characteristics of the species. We analyzed the blood RNA sequence data of 12 dogs and 11 wolves from Europe and Asia to shed more light on the domestication history of dogs. We implemented a differential gene expression analysis, a w...
olson, erik r. goethlich, jamie
Success in large carnivore conservation often hinges on local residents’ tolerance towards those species. Feelings of powerlessness and frustration with wildlife policies can lead to intolerance of the species. In extreme cases, intolerance may manifest in poaching. Thus, changes in policy may influence the tolerance of wildlife. To examine the con...
albayrak, tamer yılmaz, tamer
The Taurus Mountains in the Mediterranean Coastal Basin, considered a biodiversity hotspot, have a rich biodiversity in the Western Palearctic. The number of marble quarries in the Taurus Mountains has dramatically expanded over the past ten years. The objectives of this study are to (i) determine the impacts of quarrying on wildlife and (ii) deter...
wilson, shannon campera, marco
Apex predators were extirpated from the UK hundreds of years ago. Practitioners have recently advocated for reintroductions of predators in the UK given their role as keystone species. For a reintroduction to take place, a survey of public desirability needs to be conducted. We aimed to understand the perspectives of people across the United Kingdo...