Lahkim-Bennani, Mohamed-Amine Bennani, Mouad Lahkim Afilal, Haitam Tribak, Abdelghani Afailal
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
This study assesses the groundwater quality in the vicinity of the newly established landfill site in the city of Tangier. A total of 8 wells and 2 water sources within a 2-kilometer radius of the landfill were sampled for analysis. The selection of sampling sites was carefully executed, taking into consideration the flow direction and elevation in...
Rempel, Jenny Linder Belfer, Ella Ray, Isha Morello-Frosch, Rachel
Climate change intensifies longstanding tensions over groundwater sustainability and equity of access among users. Though private land ownership is a primary mechanism for accessing groundwater in many regions, few studies have systematically examined the extent to which farmland markets transform groundwater access patterns over time. This study b...
Rempel, Jenny Linder Belfer, Ella Ray, Isha Morello-Frosch, Rachel
Published in
Environmental Research Letters
Climate change intensifies longstanding tensions over groundwater sustainability and equity of access among users. Though private land ownership is a primary mechanism for accessing groundwater in many regions, few studies have systematically examined the extent to which farmland markets transform groundwater access patterns over time. This study b...
Lindström, Karin
Den här uppsatsen undersöker källkulten i Mellan- och Sydsverige, där syftet är att ta reda på om en kultkontinuitet eller diskontinuitet finns. Studien utgörs av tre fallstudie bestående av tre heliga källor, Svinnegarns källa, Gödåkers brunn samt Flistad brunn. Utöver fallstudierna undersöks heliga källor ur ett historiskt, sakralt och folklorist...
Shiferaw, B. A. Reddy, V. R. Sharma, Bharat
Groundwater is the single largest source of water for irrigation and domestic use in India. Climate change further exacerbates the threat of depletion, reducing food security and increasing the vulnerabilities of resource users. Governance is complicated by externalities associated with its attributes as an invisible and fluid resource which create...
Torou, Bio Mohamadou Favreau, G. Barbier, B. Pavelic, Paul Illou, M. Sidibe, F.
In Pavelic, Paul; Villholth, K. G.; Verma, Shilp. (Eds.). Sustainable groundwater development for improved livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge / Land-use-change-induced increases in shallow groundwater levels across parts of the Sahel in recent years have coincided with expanded use of groundwater for irrigation. This s...
Pavelic, Paul Villholth, K. G. Verma, Shilp
Villholth, Karen G.
In Pavelic, Paul; Villholth, K. G.; Verma, Shilp. (Eds.). Sustainable groundwater development for improved livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge / Groundwater irrigation for smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa is growing in extent and importance. This growth is primarily driven spontaneously by the farmers themselve...
Gebregziabher, Gebrehaweria Villholth, Karen G. Hanjra, Munir A. Yirga, M. Namara, R. E.
In Pavelic, Paul; Villholth, K. G.; Verma, Shilp. (Eds.). Sustainable groundwater development for improved livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge / The government of Ethiopia has invested in groundwater development for smallholder irrigation in the Raya Valley and Kobo Valley, north-eastern Ethiopia, where the hydrogeologi...
Sishu, F. K. Tilahun, Seifu A. Schmitter, Petra Steenhuis, T. S.
Nitrate is globally the most widespread and widely studied groundwater contaminant. However, few studies have been conducted in sub-Saharan Africa, where the leaching potential is enhanced during the rainy monsoon phase. The few monitoring studies found concentrations over drinking water standards of 10 mg N-NO3 - L -1 in the groundwater, the prima...