vincencová, martina
Tato bakalářská práce obsahuje teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretickou částí je literární rešerše na téma vodárenství. Je zde popsán systém zásobování vodou, velká část práce se věnuje jednotlivým prvkům vodárenského systému a základním výpočtům ve vodárenství, především představení základní hydrauliky potrubí. Praktická část je věnována hydraul...
Khujaev, Parviz Bokiev, Boki Kholmurotov, Turobqul Murodov, Parviz Yakubov, Alijon Said, Мajidzoda Tohir
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
The article considers a possible feasibility study of options for calculation schemes of water supply in residential neighborhoods of Dushanbe, taking into account the design features of high-rise buildings and large-rise buildings. The authors analyze the current situation and problems of water supply related to the installation of pumping station...
Khalik, I Sapei, A Hariyadi, S Anggraeni, E
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The need for clean water has greatly increased in urban regions due to economic expansion and population growth. Meanwhile, water resources are facing increasing pressure due to environmental pollution. In relation to SDG goal 6, which mandates the availability of clean water as a basic need for all, this research aims to develop a policy scenario ...
Saravanan, V. Subramanian
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainability
Worldwide countries are engaged in technological improvements, changes in legislation, economic incentives, strengthened administrative structures, and political strategies to allocate and distribute water among different sections of the population. These macro measures treat water as an object of social, cultural, and environmental production unit...
Moreira, Fernanda Deister Fonseca, Paula Rafaela Silva Miranda, Raquel Machado Oliveira da Costa, Luana Mejias Carpio, Isis Elaine
Published in
Frontiers in Water
Stakeholder engagement is an integral part of water governance to provide long-term sustainable water services (e.g., water storage, distribution, treatment). Yet, evidence-based studies documenting how community engagement contributes to water governance objectives are scarce. This Community Case Study describes key findings of a three-year experi...
Becher, Olivia Verschuur, Jasper Pant, Raghav Hall, Jim
Published in
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Climate-related disruptions to water supply infrastructure services incur direct financial losses to utilities (e.g. to repair damaged assets) and externalise a societal cost to domestic customers due to additional costs that they may incur (e.g. to acquire water from alternative sources). The latter often represents an uncompensated social burden,...
freudl, lukáš
Diplomová práce obsahuje část teoretickou a část praktickou. Teoretická část se věnuje literární rešerši z problematiky vodárenství a popisuje jeho jednotlivé prvky od zdroje až ke spotřebiteli. V praktické části je řešeno zásobování pitnou vodou obce Holušice a Mužetice. Na začátku praktické části je věnována pozornost popisu stávajícího způsobu z...
Bakhramov, Umarkhoja
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
The article discusses the developed methods for accounting for stochastic water consumption, as well as mathematical models for accounting for stochastic water consumption in water supply and distribution systems. Due to the fact that pipeline engineering networks are non-linear, we will first determine the conditions for their linearization, and t...
Helly, John Cayan, Daniel Stricklin, Jennifer Dehaan, Laurel
Spatial and temporal patterns of water supply and consumptive water use were analyzed from 475 Detailed Analysis Units by County (DAUCOs) spatial units across California during 2002 through 2016 to evaluate spatial and temporal variability and how it might associate with precipitation variability and other factors. Many, but not all, DAUCOs have re...
Kobliha, Radim
Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem zásobování obce Trnava pitnou vodou. V diplomové práci se seznamujeme se zájmovou oblastí. Je rozčleněna na dvě části, a to na část teoretickou a část experimentální. V teoretické části je popsán současný stav zásobování obce pitnou vodou. Teoretická část obsahuje potřebné technologické podklady pro návrh vodovodu....