marešová, leona
Diplomová práce s názvem "Vypracování projektové dokumentace vodovodu v obci Vřeskovice" se zabývá návrhem a technickým řešením nové vodovodní sítě pro zajištění spolehlivého zásobování obyvatel pitnou vodou. Práce zahrnuje analýzu stávající situace, návrh optimální trasy vodovodu, dimenzování potrubí a konstrukci vodojemu, který bude sloužit pro a...
liu, haocheng yang, jiguo yujuan, xu wen, jing zhou, jinfeng zhijie, xu jian, li sun, xueke weili, si
This study investigated the impact of glycerol monooleate (MO) at varying levels (0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, and 1.2%) on the quality and baking properties of frozen dough. Low-field NMR and MRI were used to analyze the moisture distribution, water migration, and structural changes during frozen storage. The results indicated that MO reduced the content of ...
Duan, Xiaoqian Fu, Zhiyong Deng, Yusong Chen, Hongsong
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Understanding the characteristics of the soil water content and preferential flow is critical for a thorough comprehension of soil nutrient loss in Karst slopes/ecosystems. We monitored the soil water content and soil temperature at 0–20, 20–40, and 40–60 cm depths on a typical Karst dolomite slope at a high frequency to determine the water distrib...
zhao, shengming mengke, li hei, mengran zhao, yanyan jingjun, li kang, zhuangli hanjun, ma xiong, guoyuan
In this study, pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.) leaf (ZL) extract was added to larou to investigate the improvement in the quality of physicochemical properties, texture, water distribution, and microorganism growth during storage for 20 days. Based on the results, the addition of ZL extract significantly retarded the increase in cooking loss,...
obaid, samim hosoi, kyotaro ngoc, nguyen minh inoue, takanobu yokota, kuriko
Smart meters monitor hourly water consumption patterns while reducing the cost and inconvenience of traditional meters. This study comprehensively analyzes 1871 households that previously used traditional meters from the distribution point to the distribution area. All the households were equipped with smart meters and the data collected were used ...
hernández, felipe
The water distribution system firefighting capacity is widely estimated using decades-old methods that are inefficient for the scale of typical models nowadays. This article introduces an updated algorithm that streamlines the estimation by using a single iterative loop that simultaneously solves for hydrant capacity and the hydraulic effects on th...
qin, li liu, yi bao, huimei zhang, haihua
The effects of lophatherum gracile brongn flavonoids on the multiscale structure and functional properties of wheat dough were investigated. Wheat dough samples with varying contents of lophatherum gracile brongn flavonoids were analyzed to assess changes in thermal-mechanical rheological properties, microstructure, chemical interactions, water dis...
martinovská, tereza
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá řešením zásobování pitnou vodou rozvojové lokality vybrané části obce Hostín u Vojkovic. Práce je rozdělena do teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část popisuje obecný přehled vodárenstvím, zahrnující vodárenské soustavy a jednotlivé prvky těchto systémů, včetně metodiky návrhu a hydrotechnických výpočtů. Prakti...
zhang, runqing chai, yangfan liang, xinyu liu, xiangjiang wang, xiaozhi zhongyuan, hu
This study utilized a plant-wearable sap flow sensor developed by a multidisciplinary team at Zhejiang University to monitor water distribution patterns in watermelon fruit stalks throughout their developmental stages. The dynamic rules of sap flow at different stages of fruit development were discovered: (1) In the first stage, sap flow into the f...
shah, tavseef mairaj egwu, chidinma onyekaozuoro hammad, mohammad otterpohl, ralf
The sustainable availability and resilient supply of safe drinking water remains a challenge that is far from fulfilled. As of 2024, around 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water. The regions of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are the most vulnerable regions in this regard. This is despite the fact that these regions...