García González, Juan
Resumen. El análisis de la noción de “espíritu de venganza” permite comparar la voluntad de poder nietzscheana con la libertad trascendental poliana con el fin de ampliar la metafísica con una antropología trascendental. La voluntad de poder supera el espíritu de venganza con el eterno retorno de lo mismo, pero está abocada al nihilismo. La liberta...
Pérez Ferrer, Lorena Andrea Weingerz Mehl, Samuel Madero Mesa, Rodrigo
Resumen Las directrices anticipadas aún no se encuentran legisladas en todos los estados de la República mexicana. En algunos de los estados en los que sí se encuentran legisladas, se prohíbe expresamente su validez durante el periodo de gestación. Lo anterior representa dilemas bioéticos y jurídicos importantes, los cuales revisamos para esclarece...
Sánchez León, Alberto
Pfänder and Polo both have carried out studies that are worth mentioning with regard to ethics. In this brief work we would like to rescue what is best in these two thinkers who, from rather disparate perspectives and methods, confront topics and resolve problems in ra- ther distinct ways to carry us to the safe port of personal being, each in his ...
Lome Hurtado, Luis Ángel
The present article explores the third and last confrontation of Shelling`s Freedom Treatise which Heidegger taught in 1941. The aim of this study is about to explain the context of the consummation of the Metaphysic of German Idealism to analyze the Heidegger position on the later philosophy Shelling`s notions of distinction and will. Therefore, t...
Caldas Vianna, Bruno
La idea de màquines desobedients es desenvolupa des de la perspectiva dels desenvolupaments històrics i actuals en intel·ligència artificial (IA). La desobediència s’utilitza sovint en art i tecnologia com a tema i eina. Més enllà d’això, la desobediència es presenta com una de les habilitats indispensables per la intel·ligència natural. L’article ...
Rodríguez, Eduardo
Discussing the idea of evil itself cannot be ignored its multiplicity of expressions. This article proposes to think about this concept from various dimensions of human endeavor, such as ethics, the weakness or strength of the human will, the idea of good, the praxis of evil, literary narratives, and the question about why our ability to commit inj...
Díez Yáñez, Maria
Certain literary works could express currents of thought, as well as they can reflect behaviour models. In the present work I analyse the Debate entre el Entendimiento y la Voluntad by Juan de Mena (141-1456) (Dutton ID0100) and the Historia de la questión y diferencia que ay entre la razón y la sensualidad by Fray Íñigo de Mendoza (c. 1424-c. 1508...
Sahagún Kunhardt, Pablo
Pfänder is one of the leading thinkers of the Munich school of phenomenology and one of Husserl’s most esteemed colleagues. In 1931 Manuel García Morente translated into Spanish two works by Pfänder with direct reference to the will - Phänomenologie des Wollens (1900) and Motive und Motivation (1911). The description made by the Munich phenomenolog...
Rendón Alarcón, Jorge
Cet essai vise à démontrer que le problème de l’autodétermination de la raison et sa réalisation dans la société et l’histoire constituent le nœud de la philosophie spéculative de Hegel. Le problème philosophique-politique fait référence à la conscience de la liberté et sa mise en place dans un ordre juridique-politique, produite de l’exercice légi...
Leiva Bustos, Javier
With the rise and development of the European scientific revolution since Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, which eventually finished Aristotelian physics and teleology to reduce the worldview to an efficient relation between causes and effects, one of the fundamental assumptions in Western metaphysics and ethics entered into crisis too: the que...