Oria, Prisca A.
Chapter 1 presents the background information relevant to the subject matter and methods of this thesis. These include the application of social and behavioural sciences in malaria control, the SolarMal project and malaria in Kenya. It also presents the research objective, question and design that informed this thesis. Chapter 2 systematically docu...
Yaya Beas, R.E.
Where fresh water resources are scarce, treated wastewater becomes an attractive alternative for agricultural irrigation. However, the presence of large amounts of pathogens, even in treated wastewater, constraints its productive use, which is aggravated when sanitation and public health are poor. Among pathogenic indicators, helminth eggs are one ...
Bondt, N. van Asseldonk, M.A.P.M. Bergevoet, R.H.M.
Extended-spectrum bèta-lactamases (ESBL)-producing bacteria have become increasingly common in animals and humans. The goal of the presented ESBL evaluation framework is to help policy makers to evaluate the effectiveness of possible interventions aimed to reduce ESBL levels in livestock. An objective-driven ESBL policy approach (i.e., setting more...
Vermaas, M. Hellebrekers, L.J.
Ludo Hellebrekers is sinds 1 juni directeur van het Centraal Veterinair Instituut. Goede samenwerking met alle ketenpartijen en kennisgebieden is volgens hem essentieel.
Aarnink, A.J.A. Zhao, Y. Ogink, N.W.M.
People living in the vicinity of newly build or enlarged livestock farms are concerned about possible effects on their health and their quality of life. This concern is mainly related to expected increasing concentrations of particulate matter (dust) in the environment and possible transmission of airborne diseases from animals to humans (zoonotic ...
Chung, J.W.
This PhD study has evaluated hydrochars derived from biowastes as adsorbents for pathogen removal in water treatment. Pathogen removal experiments were conducted by carrying out breakthrough analysis using a simple sand filtration set-up. Glass columns packed by 10 cm sand bed supplemented with minor amount of hydrochar (1.5 %, w/w) were flushed wi...
Hermans, C.M.L. Lemmens, L. Postma, A.
Natuur werkt positief op gezondheid en welbevinden van mensen. De werkingsmechanismen achter deze positieve relatie zijn bekend: stress vermindert, lichamelijke activiteit neemt toe, de sociale cohesie in de buurt verbetert. Toch wordt natuur nauwelijks ingezet door professionals uit de eerste lijn of publieke gezondheid. Wat belemmert hen en wat z...
Aarnink, A.J.A. Hagenaars, T.J. Ogink, N.W.M.
Sinds de uitbraken van besmettelijke veeziekten zoals de vogelgriep (AI) en vooral Q-koorts is er bij de Nederlandse bevolking een toegenomen bezorgdheid over de negatieve effecten van de veehouderij op de gezondheid van de mens. Gezondheidsproblemen kunnen ontstaan als gevolg van bepaalde micro-organismen, maar ook als gevolg van bepaalde componen...
van Leeuwen, L.
Summary I was totally there!: Understanding engagement in entertainment-education narratives By Lonneke van Leeuwen Introduction Narratives have the power to influence their recipients’ health behaviors. With the entertainment-education (E-E) strategy, health organizations turn this narrative power to good account by employing narratives in their h...
Witkamp, R.F.
Je kijkt naar beneden en ziet dat er zich in de loop der jaren wat vet is gaan ophopen rondom je middel. Waarom is het gevaarlijk om juist daar teveel vet te hebben? Renger Witkamp (Wageningen UR) legt uit hoe het nu precies zit met de gevaren van die extra kilootjes en of het per definitie ongezond is om wat dikker te zijn.