Mantel, S.
Bodem is de basis van de voedselketen. Planten groeien in de bodem en dieren eten van het gras en gewassen die in de bodem groeien. Maar kan je de bodem ook als voedingsmiddel voor de mens beschouwen? Niet de omweg via het dier of de plant, maar bodem als voeding direct op je bord. Als filosofische vraagstelling interessant. Maar is het eten van gr...
Duku, C.
Given the high levels of food insecurity and the loss of vital ecosystem services associated with deforestation, countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) face a major dilemma. How can they produce enough food in a changing climate to feed an increasing population while protecting natural forests and woodlands that provide a wide array of ecosystem ser...
Banasik, Aleksander
Until recently, food production focused mainly on delivering high-quality products at low cost and little attention was paid to environmental impact and depletion of natural resources. As a result of the growing awareness of climate change, shrinking resources, and increasing world population, this trend is changing. A major concern in Food Supply ...
van Gils, S.H.
In de landbouw bestaan er twee waarheden: die van de wetenschap en die van de praktijk. Tijdens het symposium Sustainable soil management & healthy food bleken die twee waarheden vooralsnog onverenigbaar. “Niet om te beledigen, maar de praktijk loopt toch een beetje voor op de wetenschap”, vindt melkveehouder Kees van Gaalen.
van Meijl, Hans Ruben, Ruerd Reinhard, Stijn
One of the major challenges facing global society today is the provision of food, water, energy, healthcare and other resources & services in a world characterised by increasing population, mounting environmental stresses and rising inequality. There is a need for circular and resilient food systems which close material flow loops in the entire sup...
Pastor, Amandine V.
In a context of future population increase and intensification of water cycle by climate change, water demand for irrigation is projected to double. However, freshwater resources have been degraded the last decades especially in rivers via fragmentation, dam contraction and pollution. Flow alteration and degradation lead to 80% of freshwater ecosys...
Scholten, M.C.T.
Martin Scholten on circular food production. Ideas about how circular food production can contribute to the sustainable food security.
Milgroom, J. Bruil, Janneke Leeuwis, C.
Knowledge building is central to agroecology rooted in family farming. But why?What type of knowledge, and whose knowledge is mobilised? This issue ofFarming Matters explores what we really mean by co-creation of knowledge inagroecology, why it is so essential for today’s challenges, and how it takes placearound the world.
Bogaardt, M.J. Poppe, K.J. Viool, V. van Zuidam, E.
Every day new digital applications find their way into our lives. Digitization has brought our society many benefits and will do so for the coming years as key enabler for our economy. It is an important driver behind innovation and economic growth. However, to create sustainable innovation and frequent use, security is absolutely essential. Due to...
Dagevos, H.
Een circulaire economie draait, kortweg, om het sluiten van kringlopen, en kent vooral milieutechnologische en logistieke benaderingen als kennispijlers. Maar een circulaire economie heeft evenzeer een sociaaleconomische invulling nodig. Hoe populair het tegenwoordig ook is in de beleids- en onderzoekswereld om voorstander te zijn van de circulaire...