van den Top, H.J. Mol, J.G.J.
An interlaboratory study was performed for the determination of phomopsin A in lupin seeds and lupin derived products. This was done in the frame of the 2nd Standardization Mandate (M/520) in the field of methods of analysis for mycotoxins in food, which had been issued by the European Commission in the framework of the Regulation EC 882/2004. The ...
Difilippo, E.
At early stages of life, infant immature intestine is not fully developed, exposing the new-born to potential diseases. Compounds that can exert beneficial actions on the infant intestine are bioactive lactose-based oligosaccharides (LBOs). The natural source of LBOs is mother milk. When human milk is lacking, dietary supplementation with infant fo...
van Raamsdonk, L.W.D. van de Rhee, N. Pinckaers, V.G.Z. Vliege, J.J.M.
The analysis of composition in terms of ingredients is important for detecting economic fraud and for monitoring feed safety. Composition analysis and label control of feed is regulated in Regulation (EC) 767/2009. In a broader view, composition analysis in the entire food chain can improve the effect of monitoring actions. The new legislation on f...
Mol, J.G.J. Pietri, A. MacDonald, S.J. Anagnostopoulos, C. Spanjer, M.
A total of 1 259 samples of cereal grains, cereal products, beer and nuts were analysed for the presence of the mycotoxin sterigmatocystin. Samples were mainly collected at processing plants, storage facilities, wholesale and retail between August 2013 and November 2014, in nine European countries (mostly Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and the Unit...
Nicolas, J.A.Y.
Innovative mode of action based in vitro assays for detection of marine neurotoxins J. Nicolas, P.J.M. Hendriksen, T.F.H. Bovee, I.M.C.M. Rietjens Marine biotoxins are naturally occurring compounds produced by particular phytoplankton species. These toxins often accumulate in seafood and thereby represent a threat to consumers. Regulatory limits ha...
Smit, A. van Ruth, S.M. Boerrigter-Eenling, G.R.
Producenten die sjoemelen met de herkomst van levensmiddelen kunnen vaker op het matje worden geroepen. RIKILT Wageningen UR ontwikkelt steeds meer tests die duidelijk maken waar de ingrediënten vandaan komen én of ze wel echt op biologische wijze zijn gemaakt. Koffie en eieren blijken wat dat betreft verrassend herkenbaar.
van Ruth, S.M.
Lopez Sanchez, P. de Rijk, T.C. Alewijn, M. Sprong, C. Castenmiller, J.
A total diet study (TDS) may be a valuable approach to assess the exposure of consumers to mycotoxins. A TDS study was performed on the risk associated with mycotoxin intake in cooperation with the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).
van Ruth, S.M.
Saskia van Ruth, Professor of Food Authenticity and Integrity, works on analytical methods that make it easier to detect food fraud.
Traag, W.A. Mol, J.G.J. van der Lee, M.K. Gersen, A. van Leeuwen, S.P.J. Stolker, A.A.M. Sterk, S.S. van Raamsdonk, L.W.D. de Jong, J. Scholtens-Toma, I.M.J.
In deze jaarrapportage doet het RIKILT verslag van haar activiteiten als Nationaal Referentielaboratorium (NRL).