Vahedi, Luissa Stark, Lindsay Ding, Rachel Masboungi, Caroline Erskine, Dorcas Poulton, Catherine Seff, Ilana
Published in
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Digitalization occurs when products and services are converted to digital forms; violence prevention/response services working with women and children who are forcibly displaced and/or living in low-and-middle income countries were no exception to the rapid trend of digitalization during the COVID-19 crisis. Using key informant interviews with serv...
Caballero Montero, Beatriz Hortencia Minaya Cuba, Manuel
The objective was to determine the relationship between the application of Law 30364 and the effectiveness of economic measures to protect victims of violence against women and members of the family group. applied type method, quantitative, hypothetical-deductive approach, correlational level and non-experimental design; population of 135 people an...
Gaytán Aguilar, Ivan Aguilar, Alejandro Alejo Eleuterio, Roberto Rendón Lara, Eréndira Miranda Piña, Grisel Granda Gutiérrez, Everardo E.
This paper presents a performance comparison between three models of pre-trained CNN networks (VGG16, ResNet50, and MobileNet) in detecting physical violence against women in video. To carry out the classification of images that include physical violence against women and those that do not, 2 800 images (1 400 violent and 1 400 non-violent) were co...
Romero Seseña, Pablo Tamarit Sumalla, Josep Maria
Violence against women and domestic violence are pervasive global issues necessitating a comprehensive and effective response. Directive (EU) 2024/1385 of the European Parliament and Council underscores the critical role of victim support services, emphasizing the need for both physical and online accessibility. This study examines the evolution an...
Orazi, Veronica
Study of Gatt’s self-produced fanzine Una história tóxica (2019), about psychological violence against women. The work tells the autobiographical story of the author, a 24-year-old PhD student, who experienced a toxic relationship at the age of 20, when she came to Spain as an Erasmus student. The fanzine reflects the mechanisms of violence against...
Díaz Burgos, Rocío del Carmen Ávila Granda, Luis Enrique
Domestic violence or domestic violence is a global social problem that affects millions of families and their members regardless of social, economic or cultural level. Domestic violence is understood as any type of abuse that develops within the family nucleus, which can take various forms and trigger the appearance of other types of violence (phys...
Anticona Alegre, Angie Jennifer
Currently, at the Latin American level, feminist collectives, such as Me too or Ni una menos, are gaining more and more notoriety in the media and social networks. This is largely due to the large amount of news, where the woman stands out for being the victim of sexual, psychological and physical abuse. It should be noted that many of these cases ...
Valdivia Devia, M. Ríos Alvarado, F.
Violenceagainstwomen,especiallylethalviolence,continuestobeoneofthemostseriousproblemsinsociety,whichiswhytheobjectivesofthisworkseektocharacterizethiscrimeinChile,toknowthedimensions of criminal trajectories and the typologies of the aggressors. The design is longitudinalretrospective. All the men denounced and detained by intimate partner homicid...
Estrella Flores, Jessica Paola Gualli Agualsaca, Daniel Geovanny Castelo Granizo, Gabriela Verónica Ocaña Ocaña, Jonathan Patricio
Within the Ecuadorian jurisdiction, the principle of contradiction is regulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (CRE), and its materialization is subject to due process stipulated in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP) where it is granted to the parties the right to know in advance the evidence and the possibility of contr...
Guerrero Oseguera, Anahí Vargas Peña, Jose Ramon Ruiz Recendiz, Ma de Jesús Santillás Morelos, José Guadalupe
Introduction. Violence against a partner is a phenomenon that is increasing, especially among teenage couples. Objective. To evaluate the level of dating violence in adolescents from Michoacán, Mexico. Methodology. Quantitative study with non-experimental, observational, descriptive and transversal design. Non-probabilistic sample of 92 adolescents...