Savanna ecosystems are characterized by a continuous grass layer intermixed with a discontinuous layer of trees and shrubs. A complex set of environmental drivers, such as water, soil nutrients, solar radiance, fire and herbivory, determines vegetation structure and composition in savannas.Such environmental drivers are expected to be strongly affe...
Het concurrerend vermogen van steden en stedelijke rgio's - hun vermogen om zich als vestigingsplaats te profileren ten opzichte van andere steden en regio's - is in de hedendaagse, geglobaliseerde economie van levensbelang. Als gevolg van de concurrentiestrijd om bedrijven, kenniswerkers en bewoners, neemt de aandacht voor de economische waarde va...
Between September 2005 and October 2007 studies were done in six horticultural companies in the Netherlands to assess the presence of the exotic Aedes albopictus and to determine whether the species had become established. Adult mosquitoes were sampled with liberty plus carbon dioxide traps. The presence of eggs and larvae was studied by ovitraps a...
Kramer, K.Nijhof, B.S.J.Vreugdenhil, S.J.van der Werf, D.C.van den Wyngaert, I.J.J.Armbruster, J.Späth, V.Siepmann-Schinker, D.
Climate change results in higher water levels and therefore more frequent flooding and longer inundation of the floodplains of the river Rhine. Retention basins are installed in Germany and anticipated in the Netherlands to reduce peak flows and to prevent loss of property. In Germany, many of the retention basins are covered with forests that have...
In Nederland en omringende landen is er de afgelopen 60 jaar nauwelijks meer sprake van verjonging van Jeneverbes. In dit onderzoek is de kennis over de soort en de problematiek van verjonging bijeengebracht op basis van literatuur en kennis bij beheerders en onderzoekers. Zowel de ecologische aspecten als de historische verspreiding sinds de laats...
This thesis describes mutation breeding and tissue culture techniques developed for accelerated domestication of winged bean ( Psophocarpustetragonolobus (L.) DC.). The tissue culture techniques, which are the first steps towards genetic transformation of the crop, include: (1) direct adventitious shoot formation from the axes of cotyledon explants...