Piñon, A Tolentino, E Jr Carandang, W Calderon, M
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Urban greening using native forest tree species (NFTs) has been increasingly recognized to achieve more livable, healthier, and resilient cities. However, despite having diverse genetic reserves, full utilization of NFTs in the country has not been fully realized. This restricts the mass production of seedlings for urban greening activities. As suc...
Pence, Matthew G. Koch, Muffy DeMond, Jaylee Rudgers, Gary
Published in
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Regulatory agencies require data on genetic stability as part of the safety assessment for biotech crops, even though the genetic stability of a plant is not necessarily an environmental, human or animal health safety concern. While sexual reproduction has the potential to introduce genomic variation in conventionally bred and biotech crops, vegeta...
Kunc, Petra Medič, Aljaž Veberič, Robert Osterc, Gregor
The aim of this study was to investigate the uptake of exogenously added indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) as an adventitious root (AR) inducer. The concentration of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) in leafy cuttings of Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ from stock material of different physiological ages was analyzed at three evaluation time points (1, 4, 24 h)...
Maynard, Rebekah C I Ruter, John M
Published in
International journal of radiation biology
Salvia uliginosa is a desirable ornamental shrub for the landscape with blue flowers and the ability to attract pollinators, but limited variation is commercially available in this species. Mutation breeding is a valuable tool to induce variation in ornamental species. However, many deleterious effects are associated with mutation breeding, includi...
Šinigoj, Filip
Aktinidija (Actinidia deliciosa A.CHEV.) je dvodomna sadna vrsta, uvrščamo jo med lesne ovijalke. Pridelava se v svetu iz leta v leto povečuje, med sortami pa prednjači sorta 'Hayward'. Komercialno razmnoževanje temelji na potaknjencih, enoletnih poganjkih, ki jih odberemo z matičnih rastlin predvsem tekom rastne dobe. S poskusom želimo optimizirat...
Kentelky, Endre Székely-Varga, Zsolt Balla, Géza
Published in
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Agriculture and Environment
Roses are one of the oldest and perhaps most noble and beautiful plants in the world. The propagation of roses by stem cutting is the simplest and a largely used method to multiply them. For the present experiment, seven varieties of roses were selected as follows: ‘Monika’, ‘Mr. Lincoln’, ‘Queen Elisabeth’, ‘The Fairy’, ‘Peace’, ‘King’s Ransom’, a...
Mayorga, Mildred Jauregui, Rosa Espitia, Paula Cardoso, Juan Andrés
Ferjančič, Andrej
V diplomski nalogi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali lahko pridelamo trsne cepljenke s siljenjem v vodi, namesto v žagovini ter ali je smiselna uporaba pripravkov za koreninjenje (Korex, indolmaslena kislina, Germon L, Rhizopon II) v trsničarski pridelavi. V letu 2022 smo izvedli enoletni poskus s siljenjem cepljenk s sorto ‘Laški rizling’, ki smo jo cepil...
Arabova, Nodira Akhmedov, Khasan Abdurasulov, Shukhrat
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
This article is devoted to methods of reproduction of Acorus calamus L. in the conditions of Tashkent region. According to our three-year research and analysis of the literature, it was found that the pollen grains developed in Acorus calamus plants are sterile. It was noted that it does not produce seeds in Tashkent conditions. Therefore, the meth...
Bezard, Marie Hammouya, David Diman, Jean-Louis
International audience