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Chaupré-Berki, Charlène
Notre proposition de communication a pour objectif d’apporter une vue d’ensemble de la situation linguistique dans la zone frontalière qui va de la vallée de la Roya, à l’est des Alpes Maritimes, jusqu’à la Ligurie occidentale. Il s’agit d’une zone de transition entre ligurien et occitan oriental (Oliviéri, s.d.:13) encline à une certaine variation...
Lepori, Filippo
Starting from the connection between formulaic iteration and ritual iteration in Homeric type-scenes of sacrifice, this paper aims to investigate whether formulaic variations can be reconstructed as significant evidence of ritual variations. In particular, this work, developed along the lines of the historical-anthropological method, deals with the...
Di Salvo, Margherita
This paper researches the role of symbolic borders in self-identification practices by some upper class migrants from Basilicata and Sicily to Naples. This paper aims to comparing and contrasting the patterns of self- identification in the two groups according to the scope of stressing the importance of regional identity in the dynamics of integrat...
Russo, Michela Aprile, Marcello